WebLogic Portal 10.2 Framework JSP Tags Reference

Tag Libraries
Portal Client-Specific Content This taglib provides tags to perform client-specific jsp content (inclusion or exclusion). In brief, the user agent of a request is mapped to a "classification" string via the file WEB-INF/client-classifications.xml. This classification string can then be used to render conditionally. See the section "Creating Portals for Multiple Device Types" in the Portal Development Guide, and the javadoc for com.bea.netuix.client.classifier.ClientClassifier for more information.
Portal Content Localization Content localization tags
portletNo Description
Portlet Preferences Use tags in the tag library to access portlet preferences from within portlet JSP pages.
Portal Framework Rendering Tags for creating URLs in portlets, along with the begin and end Render tags, and hooks to the RenderToolkit.
Portal Skeleton Rendering Tags to render markup in skeleton JSP files.

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