Developer’s Quick Start Guide

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Running and Debugging an Application

This chapter includes the following topics:


Starting the Server

The Server view provides two modes for starting the server:

Note: If you start the server in run mode and later decide to debug, you will have to stop the server, and then restart in Debug mode.

After starting the server in either mode, the Console view is displayed. The Console view shows the running log output. The Server view shows Starting while the server is launching; the status changes to Started after start up is complete.

Tip: You can change the way information is displayed in the Console view by right-clicking within the view and selecting Preferences.

As the server is starting, the Server and Console views may switch focus back and forth. To change this behavior, do one of the following:


Deploying or Debugging the Application

To deploy or debug the application:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • To deploy, right-click your web application project and select Run As > Run on Server.
    • To debug, right-click your web application project and select Debug As > Debug on Server.
  2. In the Define a New Server dialog box, select your server. (There should be only one.)
  3. Select Set server as project default. (Your project will always use this server.)
  4. Click Finish.

The web application will now run on the server. If the project is not built, WorkSpace Studio builds it and then publishes (deploys) it. In the Servers view, the State column displays Publishing. When the application is deployed, a browser opens in WorkSpace Studio and loads the default page for the web application. The default page is index.jsp, which comes from the default package (Controller JPF).

Tip: WorkSpace Studio uses its internal browser to display web pages. You can switch Workshop to use your normal (external) browser by going to the menu bar, and selecting Window > Web Browser > <Your Browser>.

You can also choose to always use an external web browser to view your portal. To do so, select Window > Preferences and select General > Web Browser in the property tree. Next, select the Use external Web browser and pick a browser type from the list. If no browsers appear in the list, you can search for available browsers and add them to the list.

Anytime you select Run on Server or Debug on Server for a resource, such as a .portal file, the project is built and redeployed as necessary. Additionally the selected resource opens in the browser. However, the one exception is if you have a page flow controller (JPF file) associated with that folder (package). In this case, the Page Flow runs rather than the individual file you have created. Subsequently, once you have actual content in your web application, you may want to delete the default and index.jsp files that were generated when you created the project.


Related Information

The following topics provide more detail for running or debugging your application on the server.

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