Release Notes

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BEA WebLogic Portal 10.2 Release Notes

This document contains information on the following subjects:

Note: For updated release notes, consult the BEA documentation web site.


What’s New in BEA WebLogic Portal 10.2

BEA WebLogic Portal and WorkSpace Studio 10.2 provide tools to build enterprise portal applications.

This release includes the following:


Required Patches

When you install WebLogic Portal 10.2, the required patches in Table 1 are installed automatically. If you uninstall any of these required patches and need to reinstall them, use the information in Table 1 in conjunction with the Smart Update utility to reinstall and apply the patches. For detailed information on using Smart Update, see Installing Patches and Maintenance Packs Using Smart Update on e-docs.

Table 1 Required Patches for WLP 10.2
Patch ID
HTXG (includes I1PN, S67C, U6YB, G9NJ, JRUI, 5BBF, 13HH, 89U9, LBTB, 5XK2, K6YM)


Supported Platform Information

For information about BEA-supported hardware and software configurations, see the supported platform documentation.

Note: The release version of WLP 10.2 runs on WebLogic Server 10.0 MP2, which includes several software patches. You can expect to see the list of WebLogic Server patches displayed when you run WLP 10.2.


Supported Standards

This release of WebLogic Portal supports the standards listed in Table 2.

Table 2 Java Standards
JSF - Sun Reference Implementation
1.1, 1.2
1.1, 1.2
JSR 170 and JSR 170-compliant repositories
1.0 Level 1 and Level 2 (excluding optional features)
1.1, 1.2


Known Limitations and Workarounds in BEA WebLogic Portal 10.2

This section describes problems that have been identified in BEA WebLogic Portal 10.2. For each problem listed in the following tables, a problem ID called a CR number is specified. These IDs enable BEA and users to monitor the status of issues while solutions are developed. This section groups the known limitations by functional area.

For more information, see the following sections:


Table 3 lists known limitations and workarounds for installing WebLogic Portal.

Table 3 Known Limitations and Workarounds for Installation 
Problem ID
Uninstalling Weblogic Portal within a domain that includes WebLogic Integration results in removal of domain dependent files.
The uninstall process removes portal-based p13n files that WebLogic Integration domain provisioning requires.
Platform: All
Workaround: Do not uninstall Weblogic Portal.

WebLogic Portal and Workshop Upgrade

Table 4 lists known limitations and workarounds for upgrading WebLogic Portal and Workshop.

Note: BEA Workshop for WebLogic has been renamed to WorkSpace Studio.

Table 4 Known Limitations and Workarounds for WebLogic Portal and Workshop (WorkSpace Studio)  
Problem ID
Changes to public XmlDisassemblerContext methods
The class com.bea.netuix.application.transform.disassembler.XmlDisassemblerContext had several methods that used methods from JDOM version 0.9. This version of JDOM turned out to be incompatible with new releases of JDOM. The 0.9 version of JDOM was repacked into* classes, and the methods in XmlDisassemblerContext have been updated accordingly. Users of these methods will have to change their code.
Platform: All
Workaround: Replace all references to methods of XmlDisassemblerContext that use org.jdom.* with*.
Potential when upgrading an application from JDK 1.5.0_06 or prior to JDK 1.5.0_07
If you upgrade an application originally built with JDK 1.5.0_06 or earlier to WebLogic Portal 10.2, you may see an exception similar to the following when starting the server: javax.xml.namespace.QName; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID =
4418622981026545151, local class serialVersionUID =
The problem is actually with the 1.5.0_07 version (and later) of the JDK, in which there is an incompatible change of the serialVersionUID of the javax.xml.namespace.QName class.
Platform: All
Workaround: Set the old compatibility value by setting the system property:
Or you can add the following option to the Java command in the script you use to start WebLogic Server:
- Dcom.sun.xml.namespace.QName.useCompatibleSerialVersionUID=
Fatal error when upgrading domain with RDBMS Authenticator
Since WebLogic Portal 10.0MP1, the security provider configurations can only be upgraded when the provider is located in a particular directory. The domain upgrader issues a fatal error when a custom security provider is used in a domain where the upgrade framework cannot find the provider implementation.
The P13N RDBMS authentication provider has been deprecated since WebLogic Portal 9.2 and is no longer installed to WebLogic security provider directory. This fatal error occurs when upgrading a WebLogic Portal domain that still uses RDBMS authentication provider.
Platform: All
Workaround: Copy the <BEA_HOME>/wlserver_10.0/common/p13n/lib/deprecated/rdbmsAtnProvider.jar to <BEA_HOME>/wlserver_10.0/lib/mbeantypes before running the domain upgrader.
After upgrading a 9.2.2 domain, the Portal Administration Tools’ Portal Management page and Content Management page may display an Unable to Render error.
After upgrading a 9.2.2 domain, accessing the Portal Administration Tools’ Portal Management page or Content Management page may result in a browser error, such as “Unable to render /framework/skeletons/wlp-tools/tree_header.jsp.” Additionally, the server log contains a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javelin/jsp/JspContextWrapper error. These errors occur when the these pages have been first accessed in a 9.2.2 domain, and then accessed again in the upgraded 10.2 domain.
Platform: All
Workaround: Search for and delete the jsp_servlet directory under the <DOMAIN_HOME>\servers\MyServer\tmp\_WL_user\MyApp directory, where MyServer is the name of your server and MyApp is the name of the affected application.
An SQLException may occur when migrating RDBMSAuthenticator data if the data contains WebLogic Portal system user or group names during domain upgrade
When a domain with an RDBMSAuthenticator is upgraded to 10.2 and its data is migrated to SQLAuthenticator during the upgrade, an SQLException may occur if certain WebLogic Portal system user or group names exist in the RDBMSAuthenticator. Specifically, if the RDBMSAuthenticator has the users “weblogic” or “portaladmin”, or has the groups “Administrators”, “AppTesters”, “Deployers”, “Monitors”, “Operators”, or “PortalSystemAdministrators”, an SQLException similar to the following will occur:
SQLException when executing file:/C:/<WL_HOME>/common/p13n/db/<DATABASE>/upgrade_fromdbmsauth_towlssqlauth.sql
Platform: All
Workaround: To avoid this error, edit the file <BEA_HOME>/wlserver_10.0\common\p13n\db\data\required\p13n9_insert_system_data.sql prior to running the domain upgrader. Remove from this file any INSERTs that correspond to users, groups, or group memberships that already exist in the RDBMSAuthenticator. For example, if the user “weblogic” exists in the RDBMSAuthenticator, remove the “INSERT INTO USERS” statement that applies to “weblogic”.
Confusing informational message about running SQLAuthenticator.sql displayed when domain is created with “Customize Environment and Services Settings” set to Yes
The following error message is displayed by the Configuration Wizard after domain creation:
Before booting this domain, it is necessary to run the SQL file located at <DOMAIN_DIR>\security\SQLAuthenticator.sql in order to initialize a domain security admin user in the database.?
If Run Scripts were not selected on the Run Database Scripts panel, the database objects needed to execute SQLAuthenticator.sql and other components will not exist in the database.
Platform: All
Workaround: Create a new domain and execute Run Scripts from the Run Database Scripts panel.

Workshop Framework and Development

Table 5 lists known limitations and workarounds for Workshop framework and development.

Note: BEA Workshop for WebLogic has been renamed to WorkSpace Studio.

Table 5 Known Limitations and Workarounds for Workshop Framework and Development 
Problem ID
JRockit JVM is the recommended JVM for iterative development.
JRockit JVM is the recommended JVM for iterative development. Using other JVMs may result in significant errors after a number of application redeployments.
Platform: Windows and Linux.
Workaround: Use JRockit JVM as the default JVM for all iterative development.
Opening WebLogic Portal Administration Console may fail to publish projects
If your Portal EAR project has been published, untargeted, and subsequently retargeted on a server instance, the open WebLogic Portal Administration Console menu action may fail to republish your application when invoked. This will manifest itself as a 404 response code upon access to the WebLogic Portal Administration Console.
Platform: All
Workaround: Manually publish your Portal EAR Projects by right-clicking the appropriate server entry in the Servers view, and selecting Publish. The open WebLogic Portal Administration Console menu item will then work properly.
Portal domain’s version in config.xml is
The <configuration-version> element in a new Portal domain’s config.xml refers to version rather than 10.2.
Platform: All
Workaround: None, works as designed.
Application deployment in a domain with a DB2 database may result in a warning message regarding the privilege to perform SELECT on table SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1
When an application is deployed in a domain that uses a DB2 database, a harmless warning message may be displayed such as:
Platform: All
Workaround: To prevent this message, grant the privilege to perform SELECT on the table SYSIBM.SYSDUMM1 to PUBLIC. For example, GRANT SELECT ON SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 TO PUBLIC;
Some Workshop JSF tooling features are suppressed in order to support both JSF and NetUI
When developing a Portal-enabled web application that uses JSF, some of Workshop’s JSF tooling features are suppressed in order to support both JSF and NetUI including:
  • The button that launches the Select Navigation Case Chooser dialog does not appear in the Workshop property sheet.
  • Validation warnings for referencing non-existent actions are suppressed.
  • Workshop does not support the Ctrl+hover gesture used to click-through to navigation cases in faces-config.xml.
Platform: All
Workaround: None.

WebLogic Portal Framework and Development

Table 6 lists known limitations and workarounds for WebLogic Portal framework and development.

Table 6 Known Limitations and Workarounds for WebLogic Portal Framework and Development 
Problem ID
The Export/Import Utility creates an additional locale for artifacts imported in a non-English locale
This problem occurs in the situation where the user localizes a book in the library to a non-en_US locale, and then exports the book as a .pinc and imports the .pinc to a destination in the non-en_US locale. Upon importing the resource, scoped to the Library level, the Export/Import Utility creates an entry in the L10N_LOCALE table for all pages and books in the library rather than only in the main book, even though the other library artifacts were not localized.
Platform: All
Workaround: Avoid using the Library scope when importing the .pinc resource in a non-en_US locale.
KeyBootstrap class failed to generate keys
Because of incompatible use of domain-scoped start up classes, commerce applications built using BEA commerce functionality do not support the use of application-scoped JDBC pool.
Platform: All
Workaround: None
When async rendering is enabled for a portlet, portlets cannot directly change window modes or states
WebLogic Portal allows portlets to change the current window state and/or mode of a portlet either programmatically, or via parameters added to URLs. When async rendering (either via AJAX or iframes), these mechanisms will not provide a consistent view to the end user. Particularly, the title bar rendered above the portlet will not reflect the change in the mode or state immediately.
Platform: All
Workaround: None
Proxy portlet state management: 8.1.x consumers do not properly recover producer session timeouts
For a federated configuration in which the consumer is running 8.1.x, the consumer may not recover properly from producer session timeouts.
Platform: All
  1. The consumer session timeout must be strictly less than the smallest positive session timeout of all producers. For example, suppose a consumer portal has three proxy portlets PP1, PP2 and PP3 corresponding to three remote producers RP1, RP2 and RP3. RP1 has no sessions (session timeout = 0), RP2 has a session timeout of 5 min. and RP3 has a session timeout of 2 minutes. Then the session timeout for the consumer must be less than 2 minutes.
  2. Assign all proxy portlets to a different group. The downside of this option is that remote portlets that wish to share state cannot.
  3. Finally, if (1) and (2) are not viable options, the user will need to close his or her browser and reopen the portal in the event of a producer session timeout.
Uncompressed URL templates must be used when generating off-site URLs
When using GenericURL, its subtypes or the corresponding JSP tags to generate off-site URLs (i.e.: URLs to resources that are not hosted in the web application of the code generating the URL) in a web application that has compression enabled, a URL template with compression disabled must be specified.
For example,
GenericURL redirectURL = GenericURL.createGenericURL(request, response);
where “no_compression_template” is the name of a URL template that excludes the {url:compression} pseudo-token.
Platform: All
Workaround: Do not use URL compression, or do not use GenericURL to construct URLs to off-site resources.
Server port changes that are made to a running server require a portal application restart
If a server port (HTTP or HTTPS) is made to a running server, any affected portal applications need to be restarted for the changes to be picked up.
Platform: All
Workaround: Redeploy the EAR.
WebLogic Portal does not support changing the context-root of an existing portal web application with customized portal objects.
Once a .portal file has been customized, or if entitlements have been created for a desktop, the context-root of the web application cannot be changed without losing the customizations and the entitlements.
Platform: All
Workaround: Do not change the context-root value:
The onInit events are not supported for remote portlets
Portlets can optionally register an event handler to get notified when portlets gets initiated by registering a handler of type “onInit”. This feature is not currently supported for remote portlets.
Platform: All
Workaround: In general, portlets can run onInit logic lazily either when a user interaction occurs, or when another event is handled.
Limitations of Portal 10.0 Look & Feel files related to Netscape 7.1
The Portal 10.0 look and feel files are generally considered to be incompatible with Netscape 7.1 due to an incomplete implementation of modern standards for web-based applications, such as CSS. Because the Portal 10.0 look and feels are based on these modern standards, users of Netscape 7.1 can expect to encounter problems with many aspects of these look and feels. Problem areas include: layouts, multilevel menus and image rollovers.
Platform: Netscape web browser version 7.1
Workaround: Upgrading to Netscape 7.2 should resolve many of these issues, and upgrading to Netscape 8.x should resolve ALL of these issues. Alternatively, the “legacy” look and feel can be used as it was designed specifically for older browsers.
Deprecated versions of the Look and Feels (for example, Classic) do not support the 10.0 AJAX portlet implementation
The behavior of the 10.0 AJAX implementation is nondeterministic when used with the deprecated Look and Feels.
Platform: All
Workaround: Use disabled or compat_9_2 mode. See Javadoc for com.bea.netuix.application.definition.DesktopDefinition.setAsyncMode.
Expression-based visitor roles, which use multiple-user property-set values, may return a false negative, preventing a visitor from correctly assuming the role
If a visitor role has multiple property-based conditions OR’d together, and if any of the input values (supplied via UUP impl or the default property manager) to a condition are null, the result (and therefore the role) is indeterminate because null is not explicitly checked for.
Platform: Occurs only in XACML security providers.
Workaround: Always include a default value for property set attributes, so a null is never used during comparisons.
Portlet render dependencies do not support fully-qualified URLs to reference HTTP addressable resources
A portlet’s render .dependencies file does not support using fully-qualified URLs to reference script, style, and other HTTP addressable resources. For example, a script reference to Google Maps that is defined in a .dependencies file will result in an error such as “The look and feel resource at base path <path> could not be found.”
Platform: All
Workaround: Two workarounds are available:
  • The com.bea.netuix.laf.DynamicHtmlRenderDependencies class programmatically supports adding script, link, and style references to a portal during rendering via its “add” methods. This class can be used in a backing file to ensure that the resources for a portlet are correctly defined.
  • Add dependencies from a portlet’s view.
  • DynamicHtmlRenderDependencies.add(Script|Link|Style)(...)

Note: Use of this approach is limited if multiple portlets attempt to load the same resource. If this is the case loading duplicated resources in this way should be protected against in JavaScript or should be avoided.

REST requires fine granularity to determine who can create new library portlets
REST requires a fine granularity to control the ability for end users to create new library portlets.
Platform: All
Workaround: Use the rest-config.xml or web.xml file as follows:
  • Disable the REST servlet.
  • Disable the create portlet REST command via rest-config.xml.
  • Implement a version of to perform custom access checking and configuring via rest-config.xml.
Default polling changed from 3 to 5 seconds
The default polling interval has been increased. This interval is set in the system property:
Platform: All
Workaround: None.
Icons do not to render in Portal Administration Console tools when a space exists in the name of a Portal EAR project
For example, if there is a space in the name of a Portal EAR project, icons in the console do not appear in the Create Desktop wizard and the administration console displays missing icon errors:
<Aug 30, 2007 1:33:00 PM MDT> <Error> <netuix> <BEA-423139> <The look and feel resource wlp-help-16.gif could not be found in the path /framework/skins/default/images.>
Platform: All
Workaround: Remove any spaces in the Portal EAR project name.
JSF validation does not work with the portal namingContainer tag and causes IllegalStateException: Client-id
A known problem exists in some versions of JSF 1.1, where the sequence number used to generate IDs for components that do not specify their own client ID is not reset. This eventually results in the IllegalStateException in cases where a MyFaces page is re-rendered and there is no navigational rule defined.
Platform: All
Workaround: Several workarounds are available:
  • JSF 1.2, where the generated ID sequencing is handled differently.
  • Use a version of JSF 1.1 where the issue has been fixed (currently no such versions ship with 10.2).
  • Surround the namingContainer component with an f:subview component, which serves to reset the sequence generation.

Note: No portal behavior changes due to this problem.

Cannot remove title bar from Java Portlets (JSR-168)
The title bar cannot be removed from Java Portlets (JSR-168).
Platform: All
Workaround: Use the borderless theme on your portlet to remove the title bar.
Different bean instances are used for JSF than for JSTL tags using jsp:useBean
If a JSF portlet attempts to integrate JSTL tags with JSF managed beans using jsp:useBean, different bean instances are used for JSF than for the JSTL tags.
Platform: All
Workaround: This is due to the fact that jsp:useBean is not aware of the managed bean environment used by JSF. To work correctly, the bean instances referenced by jsp:useBean must first be “primed” by either accessing them from within JSF or explicitly calling to the variable resolver with something like:
   getCurrentInstance(), 'myVar');
When an Apache MyFaces is the underlying JSF implementation provider, invalidating the session results in an IllegalStateException
In a JSF portlet that uses Apache MyFaces as the underlying JSF implementation provider, invalidating the session in JSF application logic results in an IllegalStateException following the processing of the JSF action.
Platform: All
Workaround: Use one of the following methods:
  • Do not invalidate the session on logout.
  • Use a different JSF implementation, such as Sun RI.
  • Use a different version of MyFaces, where the installed NavigationHandler checks to see if the request is for a MyFaces JSF bridge, checks the session validity, or catches IllegalStateExceptions when the session has been invalidated.
  • Perform the session invalidation in a backing file.
  • Redirect to an intermediate non-JSF portlet, such as a servlet or .jsp, that invalidates the session and forwards to the login page.
<f:param> JSF tag does not work with WSRP
The <f:param> tag will not work when using WSRP. This is due to request parameters being unavailable during the pre-render and render life cycle stages. This is true for all portlet types consumed via WSRP. See Avoid Accessing Request Parameters in Rendering Code.
Platform: All
Workaround: Parameters should be placed in a container managed bean or processed during the handlePostbackData.
Portlets must have title attribute specified to be disassembled into the database
The .portlet XML schema allows for portlets to not specify the <title> attribute. However, titles are required for successful disassembly of a portlet into the database. Attempting to disassemble a portlet that has no <title> attribute set will produce an XmlDisassemblerException.
Platform: All
Workaround: Add a <title> attribute to your .portlet file to ensure successful disassembly.
When publishing a portlet, publishing service does not properly reflect themes from publishing contexts
If a portlet instance is influenced by a theme, render dependencies may not properly reflect the influence of the theme. Subsequently, the published version of the portlet will not correctly render the theme. This applies to portlets published in API and URL modes.
Portlets published in full URL mode will not include visual aspects of the theme.
Platform: All
Workaround: There is no known workaround for this issue.
Harmless error message logged by Lease Manager
The following error message is logged by Lease Manager, which is harmless and can be ignored.
<BEA-403302> <An unexpected SQL exception occurred java.sql.SQLException: Data exception -- row already exist in index PK_LEASE on table P13N_LEASE.
The error is logged only in cluster environment when two or more nodes are concurrently trying to acquire the same lease.
Platform: All, in a clustered environment.
Workaround: None, not required.
Asynchronous JavaScript imports via XIE may cause Internet Explorer 7 to hang if referenced script does not exist
If portlet content or render dependencies are loaded via XIE that refer to an external JavaScript resource that does not exist, or may otherwise fail to load, XIE lifecycle processing in Internet Explorer 7+ will hang. This is because XIE attempts to mimic initial browser loading behavior by executing scripts serially, even when such scripts are fetched asynchronously by the browser, as with IE7+. If the attempt to load the script fails (typically because it does not exist), IE7+ halts advancement of the readyState field for that script at “loading” and produces no error message.
Platform: All
Workaround: Ensure that .js files referenced in this way exist at the specified path.
JSF portlets require the Sun Reference Implementation and the 'server' STATE_SAVING_METHOD
By default, the Workshop JSF facet makes the following configuration choices:
  • Uses MyFaces as the JSF implementation
  • Configures the 'client' STATE_SAVING_METHOD in web.xml
When building JSF portlets in a Portal Web Project, the default configuration of JSF is not supported. It must be changed to use the Sun RI implementation and the 'server' STATE_SAVING_METHOD.
To select the JSF implementation:
  1. In the Project facet selection dialog, select version 1.1 from the dropdown menu for the JSF facet.
  2. Check the box for the JSF facet.
  3. Then click the Next button until the JSF library module configuration pane appears.
  4. Select the 'Use Sun RI WebLogic J2EE Library' library module, which is the Sun Reference Implementation.
To configure the 'server' STATE_SAVING_METHOD:
  1. Open web.xml. There is a context parameter named 'javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD'.
  2. Set the value of this parameter to 'server', replacing 'client'.
Platform: All
Workaround: Use the Sun RI JSF implementation and the 'server' STATE_SAVING_METHOD.

Content Management and Search

Table 7 lists known limitations and workarounds for content management and search.

Table 7 Known Limitations and Workarounds for Content Management and Search 
Problem ID
IDOL Server does not successfully delete an entry from the index when the file is removed from a directory scanned by FileSystemFetch.
Even though FileSystemFetch is configured to delete content from IDOL when an item is removed from the file system, the file is not properly removed from the IDOL Server index.
Platform: All
Workaround: Edit the FileSystemFetch configuration file (FileSystemFetch.cfg):
  1. To the [Default] section add 'QueryPort=9022' (change the port number to match the QueryPort defined in AutonomyIDOLServer.cfg).
  2. Do not use relative paths in the DirectoryPathCSVs entry in your Import job definitions. Only use fully qualified path entries.
It is now possible to distinguish null or empty values from values containing “_” in Autonomy
This release no longer uses “_” to distinguish null or empty values, it uses “_WLP_CM_NO_VALUE_”. This fixes an issue in which application property values of “_” were incorrectly considered as having no value.
Platform: All
Workaround: Users must re-index their content to take advantage of this feature. Until content is re-indexed, queries created via IMetadataQuery.buildIsNull and IMetadataQuery.buildIsNotNull will return incorrect results.
Metadata search returns incorrect results for '' or NULL queries in some databases
In Oracle, the blank character is considered the same as NULL, which means that customers will not be able to differentiate between them if they are using Oracle. However other databases do make that differentiation correctly. In 8.1 all instances of '' were converted to null for every database. BEA has changed that in 9.2 where WebLogic Portal does make that conversion, but it is left up to the database to decide whether that will work or not.
Platform: All
Workaround: None
Size of binary node in BEA Content Repository depends on length of timeout set on the system
When adding a binary node to the BEA Content Repository, the maximum supported binary size will depend on the transaction timeout set on the server. The default is 30 seconds but should be set higher if binary sizes larger than 20MB (although this size will depend on many factors including: database vendor, type of binary, speed of machine, OS, etc.) will be used.
Platform: All
Workaround: Set the system timeout to a value larger than 30 seconds.
Renaming nodes in a library services-enabled repository can cause the version name to become out of sync with the node’s name
When library services are enabled, nodes should not be renamed. This can cause incorrect search results to be returned.
Platform: All
Workaround: None.
CM metadata search using PointBase database and containsall operator can fail
With PointBase, CM metadata searches using the containsall operator, such as color containsall('red','blue') may result in a javax.transaction.HeuristicMixedException wrapping a connection failure, due to an underlying PointBase issue.
Platform: Any using PointBase.
Workaround: Use another database, or run multiple 'contains' queries, one per value, and combine results in-memory to produce the same behavior as the 'containsall' operator.
Workflow status is not preserved for propagated content items in a managed repository
During propagation the workflow state of the content nodes that were published on the source appear as “Draft” on the destination.
Platform: All
Workaround: Manually go into the destination nodes and publish each of them individually.
The not (!) operator with a contains clause does not work for a multi-valued property
Content management metadata search does not support the (!) operator with a multi-valued property when used in conjunction with a contains clause. For example the expression !(tags contains 'gorilla') will return incorrect results if tags is a multi-valued property.
Platform: All
Workaround: In some cases you may be able to use a containsall, such as !(tags containsall ('tiger','gorilla')), which returns all nodes whose tags property does not contain the term “tiger” or “gorilla”.
JSR-170 JNDI provider logs misleading error messages due to improper classloading configuration
After configuring the JSR-170 JNDI content repository provider, users may encounter a misleading error message indicating that the object bound in JNDI did not implement the javax.jcr.Repository interface:
com.bea.content.RepositoryException: Object bound not of type javax.jcr.Repository: found a (org.apache.jackrabbit.jca.JCARepositoryHandle)
Platform: Jackrabbit Content Repository with JSR-170 JNDI provider
Workaround: Ensuring that the javax.jcr.Repository is visible within the same classloader as the content repository application and the JSR-170 adapter may resolve this issue.
For more information regarding application classloading, see:
Unclear exception when using CM versioned repository API
The following cryptic message is displayed:
Caused by: The operation completed successfully when running code in the versioned repository. This error message originates from the JVM, and generally means that a user is trying to pass in an InputStream which has already been consumed.
Platform: All Sun JVM
Workaround: Ensure that the InputStream being passed to content management has not already been consumed or read.
Cache rename, new cache defaults for Virtual Content Repository (VCR) searchCache and BEA repository explicitPropertyCache
Previously the Content Management VCR searchCache used default values of 100 entries, 1 hour TTL. In 10.2, more appropriate default values of 200 entries, 5 minutes TTL are used if this cache is not already configured. The new defaults apply only if the cache is not manually configured.
The Content Management BEA repository explicitPropertyCache has been renamed to repo.explicitPropertyCache to be consistent with other BEA repository-only cache names. This cache previously used default values of 100 entries, 1 hour TTL. New more appropriate default values of 50 entries, 30 minutes TTL are used if this cache is not already configured. The new defaults apply only if the cache is not manually configured.

Note: If previous explicitPropertyCache settings have been configured, you may want to update them with the new cache name.

Platform: All
Workaround: None, not required.
Full-text search wildcard queries are dependent on Autonomy configuration setting
When performing full-text search wildcard queries for a particular piece of text, finding that text is dependent on the number of occurrences of that text. The default setting is 5. To change this setting, the following needs to be added to the [Server] section of the IDOL Server configuration file (AutonomyIDOLServer.cfg):
For example, this query with the default setting:
ITextQuery tQuery = FullTextQueryFactory.getTextQuery();
ITextQueryParameter textCriteria = tQuery.buildEquals
   (new String[] {'*Propagation*'});
IFullTextSearch fullTextSearch =
   textCriteria, false);
Search search = new Search(repositoryPath, -1, null,
   fullTextSearch, true);
ISearchManager searchManager =    ContentManagerFactory.getSearchManager();
IPagedList<Node> nodes =,
would receive hits when the word “Propagation” appears in 5 documents.
If the setting:
is added, it would only need to appear in 2 documents to received hits.

Note: This setting is also used for spell checking. The Autonomy documentation specifies that “The minimum number of documents that a term has to appear in before IDOL server can use it as a spell check suggestion.” For more information, see the Autonomy documentation.

Platform: All
Workaround: Add the setting with the desired count to AutonomyIDOLServer.cfg.
Filtering on search results from is not available on the modifiedDate property
The API ISortableFilterablePagedList.getAllFilterableProperties() indicates for the result of the that the caller may filter on the modifiedDate property. This is not currently functional as a FilterCriteria or via the ISortableFilterablePagedList.reFilter() call.
Platform: All
Workaround: Specify the modifiedDate in the search expression and filter when initially executing the search.
Delegated Administration users who can publish content need DA rights to view the Default workflow to use the Bulk Update tool
A Delegated Administration (DA) user who has Publisher capabilities for a content repository will also need the View capability on the default workflow. An example of Publisher capabilities would be View, Update, and Publish capabilities on a content repository. If the DA publisher does not have View capabilities on the default workflow, users will encounter com.bea.content.AuthorizationException: “User does not have view privileges to view this workflow or its properties” when they attempt to use publish content using the bulk update in the Workspace View in the Content Management Administration tools.
Platform: All
Workaround: Assign the View capability for the default workflow. It is not required to assign the View capability for any other workflows, even if the content that is being published uses a custom workflow instead of the default workflow. The bug is around the validation code that mistakenly retrieves the default workflow, no matter what.
Autonomy full-text search using notEquals or isNull with nested properties in a query does not include “parent property does not exist” results.
All the possible nested values for a type are not indexed if they do not exist. Therefore, when searching for null or notEquals on a nested property name, the results will only contain values that are null or notEquals to the nested property name that was indexed.
For example, a node of type “planet” contains one or more instances of type “continent”. Each node of type “continent” contains one or more instances of type “country”. In this case planet Earth would have a nested property of “continent[0].country[0].name” equal to Nigeria, while planet Mars would not have any continents or countries. Subsequently there would not be any nested properties of that name indexed for Mars.
Platform: All
Workaround: Use an inverse search.
The original query would look like this:
IMetadataQuery mQuery = FullTextQueryFactory.getMetadataQuery();
IMetadataQueryParameter ftqp =
   mQuery.buildNotEquals('continent[0].country[0].name', 'Nigeria');
IFullTextSearch fullTextSearch =
   FullTextSearchFactory.buildFullTextSearch(ftqp, null, false);
Search search = new Search(repositoryPath, -1, null, fullTextSearch,
IPagedList<Node> nodes =, search);
That query will return no nodes.
But, if you created an inverse query like this:
IMetadataQuery mQuery = FullTextQueryFactory.getMetadataQuery();
IMetadataQueryParameter mqp1 =
   mQuery.buildEquals('continent[0].country[0].name', 'Nigeria');
IMetadataQueryParameter mqp2 = mQuerymQuery.buildNotNull('continent');
IMetadataQueryParameter mqp3 = mQuery.buildIsNull('continent');
CR358426 (continued)
IMetadataQueryParameter mqp = mqp2.or(mqp3).not(mqp1);
IFullTextSearch fullTextSearch =
   FullTextSearchFactory.buildFullTextSearch(mqp, null, false);
Search search = new Search(repositoryPath, -1, null, fullTextSearch, true);
IPagedList<Node> nodes =, search);
That query would return all planets except for Earth.
WevDAV users need read access to the default workflow
The WebDAV code needs access to the default workflow to perform CRUD operations on any given resource in a managed BEA repository. If the logged-in user does not have the View capability on the default workflow, it could throw a (403) error message to the client.
Platform: All
Workaround: Make sure that all users accessing content management via WebDAV have the View capability on the default workflow.
Manual removal of a repository that cannot be removed with WebLogic Portal Administration Tools
In some error conditions, it is not possible to remove a content repository configuration using the WebLogic Portal Administration tools. When this occurs, it is still possible to manually remove the Content Repository configuration.
Platform: All
Workaround: Use the following steps to manually remove a repository configuration:
  1. Write down the content repository configuration name. For example, MyRepository.
  2. Shut down WebLogic Server.
  3. Use the console to determine the plan file name and file system location. For example, if the application is called TestApp, it might be called TestAppPlan.
  4. Inside the <appName>Plan directory, back up the plan.xml file, and then open it in a text editor.
  5. Search for the repository name and for each <deployment-plan>/<variable-definition>/<variable> element in which the repository name is found, remove the <variable> element.
  6. For example, this <variable> element snippet should be fully removed:


  7. After the last <variable> section that contains the repository name, remove the immediately-following section that contains the string RepositoryProperty_MANAGEMENT_ENABLED. For example:
  8. <variable>

  9. Look in the <deployment-plan>/<module-override> section where <module-name> is your app-name. Inside that <deployment-plan>/<module-override> section, look for a <module-descriptor> section that has a <root-element> of p13n-cache-config. Inside this section, search again for the repository name.

For each <deployment-plan>/<module-override>/<module-descriptor>/<variable-assignment> element in which the repository name is found, remove the <variable-assignment> element.

For example, this <variable-assignment> element snippet should be fully removed:


  1. Look in the <deployment-plan>/<module-override> section where <module-name> is your app-name. Inside that <deployment-plan>/<module-override> section, look for a <module-descriptor> section that has a <root-element> of cache-config. Inside this section, search for the repository name. For each <deployment-plan>/<module-override>/<module-descriptor>/<variable-assignment> element in which the repository name is found, remove the <variable-assignment> element.
  2. For example, these <variable-assignment> element snippets should be fully removed:






  3. Save the plan.xml file and restart the server.
If a user sets the Autonomy setting AutoDetectLanguagesAtIndex=TRUE, and then adds content of multiple languages, only the content that is in the DefaultLanguageType will be returned within the GroupSpace searches.
Once AutoDetectLanguagesAtIndex=TRUE, the content is marked with the language that it is in. However, the GroupSpace search only uses the DefaultLanguageType to conduct its search. If content exists that is indexed under multiple languages, the GroupSpace search returns only results that match the default language type.
Platform: All
Workaround: Do not set AutoDetectLanguagesAtIndex=TRUE. The default setting is false.
CR Bridge: JCR property value constraints not visible in WebLogic Portal property choices
When using the CM JCR Bridge, JCR property value constraints are not currently exposed in WebLogic Portal property choices. This limitation is present because some property value constraints, such as regular expressions and built-in repository constraints, cannot be resolved to a specific value.
Platform: All
Workaround: If a validation exception occurs when creating or updating a JCR property value, manually consult the JCR repository’s property value constraints for the appropriate type to ensure a value meets all constraints.
Sample domains are pre-populated with ObjectClasses that do not necessarily conform to file system repository data types
When using a file system repository, ObjectClasses are limited to only a single binary property. Some of the available out-of-the-box ObjectClasses have multiple binary properties, such as book. This makes it appear that it is possible to create a node in the file system repository of that type. However, internal validation code in the file system repository prevents this.
Platform: All
Workaround: None. When using the file system repository, nodes cannot be assigned an ObjectClass having multiple binary properties.
Error retrieving empty InputStreams from Sybase
Whenever a user tries to store an empty input stream or a zero-byte file via WebDAV in content management, the code converts it into a zero-byte input stream and stores it in the database. However, when the data is retrieved, the database does not return an empty input stream, but returns a null. Content management then traps that null and throws an error to the user.
Platform: This problem has been known to occur in Sybase drivers.
Workaround: Do not store zero-byte input streams into content management or zero byte files via WebDAV in a Sybase database.


Table 8 lists known limitations and workarounds for federation.

Table 8 Known Limitations and Workarounds for Federation 
Problem ID
WSRP: Portlet Preference description is not passed from the producer portlet to the proxy portlet
When an administrator views portlet preferences for remote portlets, WebLogic Portal Administration Console does not provide a description of preferences.
Platform: All
Workaround: Use more descriptive names for preferences.
WSRP LocalProxy depends on client to send producer (session) cookies
When LocalProxy is enabled for WSRP, the client becomes responsible for sending cookies, especially the session cookie.
In general, this is fine except in cases where the path parameter for the cookies of the producer is not the same as or a prefix of the path parameter for the cookies of the consumer. In these cases, the client will not necessarily send the producer cookies.
Platform: All
Workaround: Ensure that the session path parameter for cookies from the producer is the same as or a prefix of the path parameter for cookies from the consumer.
Registration Properties do not contain default values
This is due to calling EntityPropertyManager.getProperties() which does not return default values.
Platform: All
Workaround: Do not use default values in registration properties. The consumer should send all values when registering.
Remote portlets' minimized title is not preferred title
When a remote portlet sets the title programmatically, WebLogic Portal will use that title in the titlebar.This functionality is not supported when the remote portlet is minimized. When a remote portlet is minimized, WebLogic Portal will not contact the producer to render the portlet, and hence loses the dynamically set title.
Platform: All
Workaround: None
WSRP Security signatures and encryptions do not work
Encryption (Confidentiality) and Signatures (Integrity) are not currently supported policy elements and are not currently supported for WSRP messages.
Platform: All
Workaround: Only use Identity elements in the policy
WSRP local proxy mode does not support default context path or context path containing slash (/)
If WSRP local proxy is enabled and the consumer accesses a producer with the default context path or a context path containing a slash (/), then the consumer request will fail.
Platform: All
  1. Do not configure producers that will be accessed via local proxy to have the default context path or a context path containing a slash (/), OR
  2. Do not enable WSRP local proxy mode if any of the producers that could be accessed with the local proxy are configured to have the default context path or a context path containing a slash (/).
WebLogic Portal does not support using Content Presenter in WSRP environments
Content Presenter and its portlet instances cannot currently be used as WSRP producers in WebLogic Portal 10.2.
Platform: All
Workaround: To access Content Presenter instances remotely, use Portlet Publishing.


Table 9 lists known limitations and workarounds for collaboration.

Table 9 Known Limitations and Workarounds for Collaboration 
Problem ID
GroupSpace does not allow “/” as context root
GroupSpace depends on having a web application name serving as the context root. The content repository cannot be initialized and populated otherwise. To use GroupSpace in your web application, the <context-root> element cannot be “/”.
Platform: All
Workaround: In your web application's web.xml, name the context root something other than “/”.
Server for a PointBase domain created via the Configuration Wizard fails to boot with - Cannot find the user “WEBLOGIC_GROUPSPACE” if “Run Scripts” is run only for p13nDataSource
When a new domain is created via the Configuration wizard with WebLogic Portal and WebLogic Portal GroupSpace Framework selected under “Generate a new domain configured automatically to support the following BEA Products” and on the “Run Database Scripts” window the “Run Scripts” button is selected only for p13nDataSource the WebLogic Server for the resulting domain may fail to boot with Cannot find the user “WEBLOGIC_GROUPSPACE”.
Platform: All
Workaround: From the domain home directory for the server that fails to boot with Cannot find the user “WEBLOGIC_GROUPSPACE” run:create_db.cmd or for Linux/Unix ./
Admin user search results return personal and private data for other users
When executing a search in a GroupSpace community while being logged in as an Admin user the search results may contain other users personal and private data. For other users personal data it will show up in the results but you can not click on the personal data to see the full details.
Platform: All
Workaround: None. Suggestion is to only log into GroupSpace as a non-admin user. While being logged in as Admin the user experience may not be as expected.
Links to GroupSpace resources are not always automatically updated
The WYSIWYG HTML editor in GroupSpace allows the insertion of links to GroupSpace resources. However, when those resources are deleted, the links in the HTML are not automatically updated. You must manually edit the HTML to replace or remove the broken links. Also, links to GroupSpace resources in the GS Links portlet have to be manually updated when the linked item is deleted.
Platform: All
Workaround: None.
Using external utilities to populate collaboration repository data will cause metadata corruption
The collaboration portlets (Discussion, Tasks, Calendar, etc.) manage a separate database table to track contents of their containers and content repository items. This table can get out of sync when the repository is populated using external tools such as Propagation or Admin Tools.The following symptoms indicate that the table needs to become synchronized with the repository:
  • Error message that is logged to the server console: <Error> <Content Collaboration API> <BEA-000000> <[No count metadata could be found for node with id 'XXXX'.] >
  • - Discussions portlet shows inaccurate counts of items within categories and/or forums.
Platform: All
Workaround: Customers that experience this behavior will be instructed to download a supporting JSP that will synchronize the metadata table with the repository.
Accessing CM RSS feeds with the GroupSpace RSS portlet
Certain URL formats for RSS feeds are not handled properly by the GroupSpace RSS portlet. Specifically, URLs that contain single quote characters cause problems during the parsing process used by the RSS portlet. This limitation prevents the display of content management RSS feeds when using a URL format that requires the use of single quote characters.
Platform: All
Workaround: Use named Syndication Feeds. Below is an example of a URL for a content management RSS feed that will not work in the GroupSpace RSS portlet due to the use of single quote characters:
By adding a syndication feed entry named “TheFeed” to the wlp-syndication-config.xml file, which is configured with the same search query, the same data can be accessed using a URL such as:
When searching for a GroupSpace element that has multibyte characters in the name and the encoding for the GroupSpace enterprise search is not the default, search results may not be returned
If a GroupSpace element is created and has a name consisting of multibyte characters, you can search by the title of the element and receive correct results. However, if you configure the encoding for GroupSpace enterprise search other than default, the search results may not be returned.
Platform: All
Workaround: None.

Production Operations

Table 10 lists known limitations and workarounds for Production Operations.

Table 10 Known Limitations and Workarounds for Production Operations 
Problem ID
The Export/Import Utility provides limited support for localization of portlet instances at an admin level scope
Scoping a book or page with a new locale to the library level is working. When the .pinc is exported/imported in the new locale, the new locale with new title is picked up by the WebLogic Portal Administration Console and L10N tables are updated in the database. However, this is not working for localizing a portlet instance scoped to the admin level. The imported locale is not reflected in the WebLogic Portal Administration Console for the portlet, but the L10N database tables are updated.
Platform: All
Workaround: Avoid using the admin level of scoping if you want to localize portlet instances.
In the Export/Import Utility, locale resource descriptions are not being propagated to the .pinc file
The locale description of a book or page is not getting output to the .pinc file. Thus, an administrator is able to localize only the artifact's title and not it's description.
Platform: All
Workaround: Manually add the locale description after exporting/importing the book or page.
In the Export/Import Utility, new resources are not imported correctly when first importing in a foreign locale
For example, if you do not have all you resources localized to a specific locale (for example, “es”) and you export a desktop in locale “es”, then the resources that do not have a resource (title) in “es” will do a best match algorithm. That best match could be a title in “en” (English)
Upon re-import to the destination you are telling the XIP utility that everything is in “es” and therefore it erroneously added ‘en’ titles in “es”.
Platform: All
Workaround: Make sure all your resources have been localized in the locale you want to export. For example, first re-import the modified .portal file in the default en (English) locale and then import the modified .portal file again in the es (Spanish) locale.
A placeholder lock is propagated only for the current “page view” of the layout
The Propagation Utility can track only the placeholders of the currently selected layout from the page “view.” Due to this, only the locks (set using Entitlements) on the placeholders in the currently selected layout can be propagated. Propagation of locks on other layouts is not possible.
Platform: All
Workaround: Review propagation results and manually update any necessary placeholder locks.
WebLogic Portal Analytics reports for Desktop, Pages, and Portlets with the same title but from different web applications are indistinguishable.
Analytic reports do not identify which WebLogic Portal web application sourced a particular usage event. This means that if the same title is used in multiple web application portlets, multiple reports of that title will exist and there is no way to know which web application is associated with each report.
Platform: All
Workaround: Use unique title names.
Large Content Exports via Propagation May Throw TimeOutExceptions
When exporting content, if a parent (folder) contains a large number of children (greater than 2000), a weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException can appear.
Platform: All
Workaround: Reorganize the content data so that a parent does not contain thousands of children. If that is not possible, increase the JTA timeout value from the Weblogic Console from the default 30 seconds to a higher value.
Customized and non-customized portlet, page and desktop Titles are not visible when viewing Analytics reports.
When creating a portlet or page in Workshop, by default the resource’s Definition Label will be used in Analytic reports. If a resource’s Title is subsequently customized by the Portal Admin Console, that customization should instead appear in Analytic reports after running the Analytics sync script but it doesn’t.
Platform: All supported WLP databases except Pointbase.
Workaround: An Analytics customer can note the original Definition Label assigned to the resource and thereby recognize it in a report.
Analytic report on a selected web application that has never been accessed shows activities of other non-selected web applications
When multiple web applications in an enterprise application exist and there are activities in all the web applications except one, the Analytics report on the web application that does not have any activities shows results of the all other web applications that do have activity. After the web application is accessed, the Analytics report on the web application shows only its own activities.
Platform: All
Workaround: Make sure a web application is accessed before selecting it for the Analytics report.
ScenarioService error message observed during propagation of content management resources
While propagating content management resources, the following error message may be observed in the console or server log files:
<ScenarioService: Error getting user profile wrapper: weblogic>
This error is caused by a campaign event firing when a content management resource, such as a node or type, is saved by propagation. The scenario service attempts to fetch the profile of the current user (the propagation user) when it does not exist. Propagation of the content resource should still complete successfully. However, it is likely that the event logic is failing to complete successfully.
Platform: All
Workaround: Disable event handling during propagation.
Error message regarding the export of WSRP portlet instance data is observed when propagating WSRP portlets between consumers that share a common producer
When propagating WSRP proxy portlets from one consumer to another, where both consumers share a common producer, an error message similar to the following may be observed on the server console or in the server logs:
<Error> <InventoryServices> <BEA-000000> <The WSRP portlet instance data for portlet instance [title: SomePortlet, instance label: T200270341201049234306] could not be retrieved from the producer [handle: SomeProducer]. Reason [com.bea.p13n.entitlements.common.EntitlementsException].>
Platform: All
Workaround: This message can be ignored provided that both the source and destination WSRP consumers share the same producer.

WebLogic Portal Administration Console

Table 11 lists known limitations and workarounds for WebLogic Portal Administration Console.

Table 11 Known Limitations and Workarounds for WebLogic Portal Administration Console 
Problem ID
User profile update may not be seen by federated portlets
If an administrator updates a user's profile, the user may not see the updates until they log out and log back in. This includes properties sent via WSRP to remote producers.
Platform: All
Workaround: The user must log out and back in to see the update profile.
Changes to a User Profile in Visitor Tools are not displayed in UM Tools
Changes made outside the WebLogic Portal Administration Portal to a user profile in Visitor Tools are not displayed in the WebLogic Portal Administration Console: User Management - User Profile after a refresh. The changes are only displayed after logging out and logging back in.
Platform: All
Workaround: To see an updated user profile, log out and log back into the WebLogic Portal Administration Portal.
Content Management: Cannot clear individual values or properties for nested property types
Nested property types are properties that have the structure of another user-defined type. For nested type properties that allow multiple values, it is not possible to clear individual values (reset them to empty or default values).
Platform: All
Workaround: To clear an individual value of a multi-valued nested property you must select the multi-valued nested property for edit and then delete the individual value using the trash can icon. You should then add it again with the same name, but with all empty values.
IM editors do not support content queries that reference user, request, and session properties
IM editors don't support content queries that reference user, request, session properties.
Platform: All
Workaround: Use the IDE to edit content queries that reference user, request, session properties.
IM editors do not support content expression syntax
IM editors don't support content expression syntax.
Platform: All
Workaround: Use the IDE to edit content queries that use content expression syntax.
IM editors do not support IM rules multiple actions or conditions of the same type
IM editors don't support IM rules multiple actions or conditions of the same type.
Platform: All
Workaround: Use the IDE to edit IM rules that have multiple actions or conditions.
Administration Tools do not use wsrp-consumer-security-config.xml
If you created a wsrp-consumer-security-config.xml in a consumer’s WEB-INF directory, Administration tools will not use it when adding or editing producers or when viewing or setting proxy portlet preferences. This may result in incorrectly sending SAML or the following exception:
weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.WSSecurityException: Unable to add security token.
Platform: All
Workaround: Set up your producer to work with the consumer’s default configuration.


Key Limitations Fixed in BEA WebLogic Portal 10.2 MP1

This section lists limitations that were fixed in BEA WebLogic Portal 10.2 MP1. For more information, see the following sections:

Key Limitations Fixed for WebLogic Portal Administration Tool

Problem ID
Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException used to be returned if Enterprise Application Scope was selected in the Portal Admin Tool (PAT) under Browse Roles From, and then a role was deleted using the checkbox.
This problem has been resolved.
The relative link URL of the image in the Link Properties window was being prepended with the URL of the WYSIWYG editor and rewritten as an absolute URL.
This problem has been resolved.
Desktop for versioned WebLogic Portal deployment could not be created.
This problem has been resolved.
When attempting to create a desktop in Portal Administration Tool, the.portal file was missing. This issue occurred when the Portal application created had 'wlp-tools-support-app-lib' entry removed from weblogic.application.xml. The application was then deployed using the following command after HTTP tunneling was enabled:
java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://<host>:<port> -user <user> -password <pwd> -deploy -name <appName> -source <source path> -targets <server name> -stage -appversion <app version>
This problem has been resolved.
The nodeReferencesHref script could not handle more than five linked items when accessed using the href tag.
This problem has been resolved.
The empty String properties for a nested multi-value content could not be deleted. No error message used to be displayed.
This problem has been resolved.
Multivalued binary property was not supported in content management.
This problem has been resolved.
Bookmark URL's were not supported in the Pin Editor.
This problem has been resolved.
After leaving a .portal file was left open on the workspace, closing Eclipse was closed, changing the file outside of Eclipse, and then reopening Eclipse and refreshing it, Eclipse used to hang.
This problem has been resolved.
Search filter was lost while paging through results of a group search in the Add Group to Visitor Entitlement Role window.
This problem has been resolved.
The Title and Description editor for library instances of portlets were not fully displayed nor functional.
This problem has been resolved.

Key Limitations Fixed for WebLogic Portal Framework

Problem ID
When portlets were used in a multithreaded (forkable) environment under load, java.util.ConcurrentModificationException used to be returned .
This problem has been resolved.
When asynchronous mode was enabled, empty page markups were not handled properly resulting in improper rendering.
This problem has been resolved.
JPF Local Portlets did not work in streaming desktop if there was a proxy portlet in the page.
This problem has been resolved.
A standalone pageflow portlet with a form could not be used in a streamed desktop.
This problem has been resolved.
If nfls flag was false for a nested page flow, the current action resolver used to be selected from the user session.
This problem has been resolved.
The pageLabel parameter was not getting added to the URL when clicking on the WSRP portlet even though the (url:currentPage) token was specified in the URL templates for WSRP.
This problem has been resolved.
The cache listener was not being properly added, causing the cache size to remain high even after the session had ended.
This problem has been resolved.
If two pages were clicked in quick succession then the contents of both the pages were combined into one page and both the pages used to be shown as active.
This problem has been resolved.
Some database queries used to execute repeatedly due to lack of caching for null results.
This problem has been resolved.
The underlying bean value was not getting reset when the navigationalState was null or blank.
This problem has been resolved.
Setting navigationalState empty in the interceptor did not take the JPF Portlet to the Start page.
This problem has been resolved.
Concurrency problems in Beehive's ScopedContentCommonSupport class resulted in ConcurrentModificationException when using forked portlets.
This problem has been resolved.
SQL calls to get information on the proxy portlets were not efficient and redundant as these calls were not being cached.
This problem has been resolved.
PersistedRequestAttributes.persistAttributes() used to return ConcurrentModificationException.
This problem has been resolved.
JSP portlets using pageflows were not passing Form Bean attributes correctly.
This problem has been resolved.
Localization resources were preloaded into cache at startup. If the size of resources exceeded the cache size by 15%, the preloading took time to do the query and load into the cache.
This problem has been resolved.
When a releaseSessions request was made to the producer, new sessions were being created.
This problem has been resolved.
_pageLabel request parameter was not present on the consumer-side URL when specified in the templates.
This problem has been resolved.
In the Portal Admin Tools cache management section, the button that allows a user to remove a specified key from the cache did not function unless the cache contained keys that are objects of type String.
This problem has been resolved.
When creating shell definitions of shells that contained either a header or a footer only used to result in an SQL Error on Sybase and SQL Server databases.
This problem has been resolved.

Key Limitations Fixed for Core Services

Problem ID
Performance issues were observed with getAuthenticatedSubject call from WLP.
This problem has been resolved.
ClassNotFoundException used to be returned when deserializing classes over WSRP.
This problem has been resolved.
When a Release 8.1 application was upgraded to a Release 10.2 application using Workshop that existed within an install that includes WLI, the application used to fail to deploy.
This problem has been resolved.
During upgrade of a WLP domain that used a DB2 database from 8.1x to 10.2 GA, several rows of system data were lost. This loss of data prevented the creation of pages, books, and desktops in the upgraded domain. This applied only to domains with DB2 databases upgraded from 8.1 SP4/SP5/SP6.
This problem has been resolved.
During creation of WebLogic Portal databases on DB2 only, an invalid SQLSTATE code was used in several CREATE TRIGGER statements. On DB2 9.5, this prevented the Configuration Wizard from successfully populating the database. On prior versions of DB2, this caused an uninformative error message to be displayed rather than the intended, informative error message in certain rare cases of referential integrity violation.
This problem has been resolved.

Key Limitations Fixed for Collaboration

Problem ID
HTML documents that were created using the online editor in Content Management in Portal Administration Tools were not rendering special symbols correctly. When viewed in a browser, invalid characters were displayed next to special symbols such as the copyright symbol.
This problem has been resolved.
Address, Tasks and Calendar of Collaboration used to return JavaScript errors.
This problem has been resolved.

Key Limitations Fixed for Content Management

Problem ID
When checking in nodes in Portal Administration Tool, 'EJB Exception: ; nested exception is: java.lang.NullPointerException' used to be returned. This problem was observed when checking in a node that has one double nested property with an uploaded binary and one nested property without any binary.
This problem has been resolved.
ClassCastException used to be returned when retrieving the node object as Version Node.
This problem has been resolved.
Performance issues used to be observed with some of the content selector queries.
This problem has been resolved.
Third-party content systems used to receive a validation exception when connecting to the repository.
This problem has been resolved.
Nested binary content used to be lost when the content item was edited.
This problem has been resolved.
When WebLogic Portal was configured with Oracle Database, the full-text search did not fetch results on binary content created and published for the first time.
This problem has been resolved.
If a node's order was customized then checked out and Published, the order used to be reset to the last position in the list.
This problem has been resolved.

Key Limitations Fixed for Commerce

Problem ID
In a portal application that used commerce services and defined campaign rules for items of certain categories, the rule did not work if the item was associated with multiple categories.
This problem has been resolved.

Key Limitations Fixed for Entitlement

Problem ID
In role expressions, 'Contains' and 'Doesn't contains' on mutivalued property used to result in partial string search.
This problem has been resolved.

Key Limitations Fixed for Propagation Tool

Problem ID
The Propagation Tool OfflineCombineTask used to create temporary folders on the file system after each run.
This problem has been resolved.


Key Limitations Fixed in BEA WebLogic Portal 10.2

This section lists limitations that were fixed in BEA WebLogic Portal 10.2. For more information, see the following sections:

Key Limitations Fixed for WebLogic Portal Administration Console

Problem ID
Multi-value portlet preferences without a value become irretrievable
Exception thrown when changing the join type of a DA role expression
Content Management searches from the “Search Repository” page will not return results for multi-byte characters
Artifacts created with the Portal Administration Tool cannot contain quotes
Portal Administration Tool tree node selection links rely on the presence of a tree portlet
Changing the “Items per page” on the Delegated Admin. tab may result in a garbled page
AJAX requests after session timeout do not redirect to a login page
Locale entered without a country code will cause a new locale to be created when updated
DA pagination results do not maintain proper state
Localization of the title of a group of custom editors in the Portal Administration Console causes MissingResourceException.

Key Limitations Fixed for Workshop Framework

Note: BEA Workshop for WebLogic has been renamed to WorkSpace Studio.

Problem ID
JSP tag variables cannot be resolved in Workshop for JSP

Key Limitations Fixed for WebLogic Portal Framework

Problem ID
8.1.x producer unable to process attachments sent from a 9.2 consumer
URL Template Errors logged during deployment of a GroupSpace application
If a Content Presenter portlet is configured to point to a template group defined within wlp-template-config.xml, and that template group is then removed from the config file, the user may see a tag error within the portlet
Postback URLs used within floated or async portlets will cause loss of state
“[ERROR] IdentifierToken” warning message appears in console
For an Ajax-enabled Desktop (Enable Asynchronous Updates - Enabled), the Cancel button in the Content Presenter Configuration Wizard does not work
Redirects in Ajax enabled desktops (asyncMode=enabled)
MySQL Database CREATION_DATE columns are erroneously updated when UPDATEs occur
AJAX requests are not handled properly
Cannot disable IFRAME-based asynchronous portlet content rendering

Key Limitations Fixed for Content Management and Search

Problem ID
CM FileSystemRepository does not support Workflow transitions using Bulkloader tool
Error occurs when a content selector query tries to retrieve a deleted node
Shift JIS characters do not get indexed by Autonomy for certain file formats
Any files that have Shift JIS characters in the file name will not be indexed by Autonomy.
Any files that have Shift JIS characters in the file name will not be downloadable due to Autonomy validation
Non-UTF8 Japanese Multi-byte character search keywords in Content Management Full Text Search may not return expected results
Intermittent Full Text Search Content Indexing Issue with MySql Server DB
Sybase does not return any rows (or an error) with a LIKE value >254 characters
CM FileSystemRepository does not support Workflow transitions using Bulkloader tool
Binary content without a specified character set may fail to render in the Portal Administration Console or using the Content Presenter portlet

Key Limitations Fixed for Collaboration

Problem ID
Header Search fails for an Admin user
Searching by keyword in the Discussion Forums portlet does not handle multiple search keywords correctly
The .portlet files in library modules are not picked up automatically by the file poller
Creating a GroupSpace Community documentation is incorrect

Key Limitations Fixed for Product Operations

Problem ID
In the Propagation Utility and Export/Import Utility, an error occurs if the user imports a desktop referencing markup that doesn't exist on the destination

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