Integrating Search

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Using Search in Production

After you have deployed your portal, you can manage your search services.

Note: The Autonomy documentation is included in your WebLogic Portal installation directory at <BEA_HOME>/wlserver_10.0/cm/thirdparty/autonomy-wlp10/common/docs.

This chapter includes the following sections:


Using the Autonomy Service Dashboard

You can either use using the Autonomy Service Dashboard. The Autonomy Service Dashboard allows you to access the Autonomy DiSH server which monitors the performance of Autonomy’s search services.

You can also monitor services using Autonomy’s ACI interface. For more information about monitoring search services, see the Autonomy DiSH documentation.


Re-Indexing BEA Content

You can re-index BEA content at any time. For example, you may need to re-index BEA content if your indexes get corrupted (power outage, hardware problems, and so on).

WebLogic Portal provides a script that you can use to re-index BEA content. You can either use command line arguments or a .properties file to indicate the content you want to index.

Note: WebLogic Server must be running when re-indexing content.

To re-index content, do the following:

  1. From any managed server in your cluster, navigate to the index_cm_data.cmd/sh script. It is located in the <BEA_HOME>/wlserver_10.0/cm/bin directory.
Tip: You can view help for re-indexing content by typing index_cm_data -help.
  1. Optionally, if using the file, modify the properties file to match the parameters of your configuration. Listing 7-2 provides an example of the file.
  2. Run the script. Table 7-1 provides a complete listing of the command line arguments and their descriptions. If no arguments are set, the is assumed and used. See Listing 7-2 for an example of a file. If using command line arguments, see Listing 7-3 for an example.
  3. Listing 7-1 Example of Using the File
    Listing 7-2 Sample File
    # Set verbose to true if you want to view any error messages.
    #Use username and passowrd that is used to access the portal application.
    #Use the t3 protocol to refer to the WebLogic Server URL
    #Indicate the name of the repository
    repository=Shared Content Repository
    #Indicate the name of the portal application
    #Optionally, indicate which content types you want to index.
    #Indicate the repository path of the content you want to index.
    path=/Shared Content Repository
    Listing 7-3 Example of Using Command Line Arguments:
    C:\bea1204\weblogic100\cm\bin\index_cm_data -verbose -user weblogic
    -password weblogic -url t3://localhost:7001 -repository myRepo -application
    myPortalApp -path \myRepo

    Table 7-1 Command Line Arguments for the cm_index_data Script
    Set verbose to true to view error messages.
    The user name.
    The user password.
    The URL of the WebLogic Server. For example, when running the CM_INDEX_DATA script for the local machine, this URL should be: t3://localhost:7001.
    Note that you should use the T3 protocol, not HTTP.
    Name of the repository you want to index.
    Name of the portal application that uses the repository.
    Optional. Indicate which content type you want to index.
    The path of the repository or repository folders you want to index. For example, if you want to index the entire repository use path=/RepositoryName. If you want to index a particular folder within the repository, use path=/RepositoryName/FolderName.

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