Upgrade Guide

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Overview of the Upgrade Process to WebLogic Portal 10.2

This section provides an overview of the strategies and procedures for upgrading BEA WebLogic Portal to 10.2. You can upgrade directly to Portal 10.2 from the following WebLogic Portal applications:

You are not required to upgrade from WebLogic Portal 8.1 to 9.2, from 9.2 to 10.0, and then from 10.0 to 10.2

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

Some of tasks associated with a WebLogic Portal upgrade are performed by running the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard. The WebLogic Upgrade Wizard is described in Upgrading WebLogic Application Environments.



To clarify the different activities described by this document, a brief list of terms is included:


Moving an application and domain from a third-party technology to a BEA product. (For example, migrating a customer from IBM or webMethods to BEA.)


Updating BEA platform (and components) from older release or Service Pack to newer release or Maintenance Pack. This includes updating existing application and domain to run in a newer version, for example, 9.2 MP1 to 10.2.
The process required to upgrade an application environment depends on the scope of the application. An application environment includes a WebLogic domain and any applications and application resources associated with the domain. It may also include external resources, such as firewalls, load balancers, databases, and LDAP servers.


(1) The capability of an application deployed in one release or service pack to communicate with another application that is deployed in a different release or service pack. (2) The capability of WebLogic Platform components to communicate with third-party software using standard protocols.


Application built using one release or Service Pack running in another release or Service Pack. This might involve rebuilding the application.


Portal 9.2 and 10.0 to 10.2 Upgrade Overview

You can upgrade your WebLogic Portal 9.2, 9.2 MP1, 10.0, and 10.0 MP1 applications to 10.2. The WebLogic Portal APIs have been maintained in WebLogic Portal 10.2 (except for the Commerce API, which was deprecated in 10.0), and most core formats for the database and file based assets have not changed. Where changes have been made, tools are provided to upgrade you to the new format, or provide manual changes where needed.

The upgrade process involves upgrading WebLogic Portal applications and resources to WebLogic Portal 10.2. The 9.2 and 10.0 upgrades are performed on a .project file. After you upgrade to Portal 10.2, you cannot go back to a previous portal version. If you are upgrading from WebLogic Portal 9.2 or 10.0 to 10.2, the PointBase database has already been upgraded.

You can choose one of the following methods to upgrade your Portal 9.2 or 10.0 application to 10.2:

Tip: You cannot upgrade an existing EAR application; only a project can be upgraded.

For instructions on upgrading, see Upgrading from Portal 9.2 and 10.0 to 10.2.


Portal 8.1 to 10.2 Upgrade Overview

WebLogic Portal enables you to upgrade your 8.1 SP4, SP5, and SP6 applications directly to 10.2. Most WebLogic Portal APIs have been maintained in WebLogic Portal 10.2 (except for the Commerce API, which was deprecated in 10.0), and most core formats for the database and file based assets have not changed. Where changes have been made, tools are provided to upgrade you to the new format, or provide manual changes where needed.

The upgrade process involves upgrading WebLogic Portal 8.1 portal applications and resources to WebLogic Portal 10.2. The 8.1 to 10.2 upgrade is performed on a .work file. If you customized how you set the domain in your start scripts, your changes will be overwritten when you run the WebLogic Portal 10.2 start scripts.

Note: When you upgrade from WebLogic Portal 8.1 to 10.2, your PointBase database is upgraded.

For instructions on upgrading, see Upgrading from Portal 8.1 to 10.2.


Library Module Changes

The library modules listed in Table 1 -1 have changed in 10.2. Removed libraries are deleted from the config.xml file. If you upgrade from 8.1.x to 10.2, the libraries are added to your config.xml file. If you upgrade from 9.2 or 10.0 to 10.2, the module version number changes to 10.2 in your config.xml file. If you upgrade from 10.0 MP1 to 10.2, the domain upgrader removes the maintenance-lib references.

Table 1 -1 New or Removed Library Modules in 10.2
Library Module
New or Removed
New in 10.2
New in 10.2
New in 10.2
New in 10.2
New in 10.2
New in 10.2
* wlp-commerce-app-lib.ear
Not part of a new 10.2 domain
* wlp-commerce-web-lib.war
Not part of a new 10.2 domain
* wlp-commerce-tools-support-app-lib.ear
Not part of a new 10.2 domain
* wlp-webdav-app-lib.ear
Not part of a new 10.2 domain
* wlp-webdav-web-lib.war
Not part of a new 10.2 domain

Table 1 -1 lists the library modules that are new or have changed in WebLogic 10.2.

* Some library modules are no longer installed in a new 10.2 domain created with the Configuration Wizard. These modules still exist in an upgraded 10.2. domain and point to the 10.2 version.


Support for Binary Compatibility

WebLogic Portal 10.2 supports binary compatibility of Portal 9.2 and 10.0 EAR files (or exploded EAR folders) deployed unchanged onto a WebLogic Portal 10.2 upgraded or new domain. Any references to pre-10.2 Workshop library modules will automatically be replaced by references to new Workshop libraries through the <WEBLOGIC_HOME>/common/deployable-libraries/wlp-compat/ directory.

If you want to use your portal projects in WorksSpace Studio, you must upgrade through WorksSpace Studio.


Supported Features Comparison

This section outlines significant feature changes between older version of WebLogic Portal and the Portal 10.2 release.


Note: The following section applies only to an upgrade from WebLogic Portal 8.1 to 10.2.

WebLogic Portal 8.1 included a WebLogic Portal-specific RDBMSAuthenticator. This has been deprecated. WebLogic Server 9.2 contains a new default SQLAuthenticator authentication provider, which contains an RDBMS user store for users and groups. BEA recommends upgrading to the new WebLogic Server SQLAuthenticator.

When you run the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard to upgrade your domain, it determines whether or not you are using the RDBMSAuthenticator in your 8.1 installation. If the RDBMSAuthenticator is detected, the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard prompts you to choose whether to upgrade to the WebLogic SQLAuthenticator as your default authentication provider or continue to use your existing RDBMS user store. Replacing the existing authentication provider with the new WebLogic Server SQLAuthenticator upgrades all content, including personalization features. You can also choose to manually upgrade your personalization features to the Portal 10.2 RDBMS user store later.

Choose one of the following options when upgrading your user store:

If you do not upgrade your user store during the domain upgrade process, you can perform a manual upgrade later. The script to upgrade from the WebLogic Portal-specific RDBMS Authenticator to the WebLogic SQL Authenticator is <WEBLOGIC_HOME>/common/p13n/db/dbms/upgrade_fromdbmsauth_ towlssqlauth.sql.

For additional information, see Upgrading 8.1, 9.2, or 10.0 PointBase Databases.

Note: If you upgrade a WebLogic Portal 8.1 application to 10.2 and you use the UserProviderControl.createUser() class in the upgraded domain, you might see a javax.security.auth.login.LoginException error when a new user attempts to log into WebLogic Portal. This occurs because by default new users in a WebLogic Portal 10.2 domain are created in the SQLAuthenticator and not in a migrated authentication provider (which normally is configured with a JAAS flag set to REQUIRED). Since the WebLogic Portal domain Upgrade Wizard does not adjust your JAAS settings or remove your existing authentication provider, you must adjust the JAAS setting or delete the authentication provider (as appropriate) to avoid this exception.

Event Handling

Events can target content to a desired audience.

Note: Events will fire for a content repository that was upgraded to 10.2 (unless you turned event tracking turned off at the repository level). Events can include repository configuration changes, as well as content additions, updates, and deletions to the repository. Events do not fire for content in an 8.1 or 9.2 repository that was not upgraded. Events are fired for content that is added, updated, or removed from that repository.

If you created a separate behavior tracking database in version 8.1 or 9.2, upgrade it as described in Upgrading Separate 8.1 Behavior Tracking Databases.


A new Autonomy engine is installed with WebLogic Portal 9.2 and higher. It is disabled by default after upgrade so it can be properly configured before launching. Autonomy services that have been enabled in WebLogic Portal 8.1 are also disabled after upgrade. For information about installing and configuring search services, see the Integrating Search Guide.

In addition, the Autonomy APIs and the all content management APIs, including search, were deprecated in WebLogic Portal 9.2. If you want to continue to use the deprecated APIs, you need to manually add the older Autonomy APIs to your application, as described in Using 8.1 Search within a 10.0 Portal Application.

For information about upgrading WebLogic Portal 8.1 to the new version of Autonomy that is included with WebLogic Portal 10.2, see Upgrading Autonomy Search Services.

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