Create a Content Item in a Library Services-Enabled Repository

When you have library services (LS) enabled for your BEA repository, you create content from the Content Repository tab. After content is created, you use the Content Workspace tab to view items that are currently assigned to or checked out by you.

To create a content item within an LS-enabled repository:

  1. In the Resource tree in the View field, select Content from the pull-down menu. The Browse & Edit Content Resource tree displays.
  2. In the Browse & Edit Content Resource tree, select the Content Repository tab.
  3. Navigate to where you want to create the content. You can choose to create parent/child relationships between content items and nodes (folders) depending on the location you select.
  4. Right-click the content node (folder) or item where you want to create content.
  5. Choose Add Content from the pop-up menu.
  6. In the Create & Edit Content pane, enter a name for the content you are creating.
  7. From the Type List box, select the content type you want to associate with the content item.
  8. Enter the information requested as dictated by the type selected.
  9. If the content type supports a binary file, use the following steps:
  10. Click Save. The new content item displays in the Content Workspace under the My Checked Out items folder.

    NOTE: Until an item is checked in, it cannot be viewed by other users or accessed by WebLogic Portal tools.

    Content items are managed in the Content Workspace tab where they can be versioned and transition through the content lifecycle (Draft, Ready For Review, Rejected, Published, Retired).

  11. To check in the content item, click Save and Check In on the Edit Content tab.


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