Create a New Delegated Administration Role

Delegated Administration roles let you determine the level of access that portal administrators have in the WebLogic Administration Portal.

The WebLogic Administration Portal comes with predefined administrators, but you can create an unlimited number of additional roles to which you can map an unlimited number and variety of users. Role creation can take place at any time: You can create the roles before the portals are assembled, while assembling a portal in an interactive design fashion, or after the portal has been assembled.

If you create roles within roles, the child roles inherit the rights of the parent roles.

To create a new Delegated Administration role:

  1. In the Delegated Administration resource tree, select the parent role for which you want to create a new child role.
  2. Right click the role and select Add New Role (or click the Add New Role icon in the toolbar).
  3. In the dialog box that appears, enter the name of the new role and click Create.
  4. Now you are ready to add users, groups, and expression your new role.

Note: When you are establishing your role hierarchy, keep in mind that child roles within a Delegated Administration role must be unique. For example, you cannot have a role called RoleA with a child role of RoleB if you already have a child role called RoleB elsewhere in the hierarchy


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