Add a User to a Delegated Administration Role

When you add a user to a role, you grant that user access to all of the administrative rights attributed to that role. If you want to add a specific user or a set of users that do not already belong to a group to an administration role, use these instructions to select the users one at a time and add them to a role.

If you have a considerable amount of users you want to add to a role, for the best performance add users to groups, then create roles with those groups, or create roles with expressions.

To add a user or users to a Delegated Administration role by name:

  1. In the Delegated Administration resource tree, create a new role or select the role to which you want to add a group.
  2. Select the Add Users to Role tab.
  3. Find the user(s) you want to add to the role.
  4. Selected users appear in the Select box. Click the check box next to each user to select it, and click Select Users. Selected users now appear in the Add box.
  5. Click Add User to Role.
  6. Confirm that the users have been successfully added to the role by selecting the Role Properties tab.
  7. You can further define a role by adding groups and expressions to the role.

Notes: If a list of groups is not displayed, make sure you have built a group hierarchy tree for the authentication provider. If after that you still do not see a list of groups, the authentication provider probably does not allow read access (see View Security Provider Properties to find out). However, you can activate a text field for user name entry for authentication providers that do not allow read access.

If you are using an RDBMS authentication provider, be aware of case sensitivity when looking up users. For example, user "Bob" is different than user "bob."

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