Edit User and Group Profile Values

A user profile is a collection of properties you collect and store about users and groups. Each piece of data in a user profile is called a user property. User properties can range from statically-defined properties, such as a user's Social Security number, to dynamically-created and persisted properties, such as Web-site tracking information for a particular user, or user preferences entered from a standard input screen.

User properties can be used to target users with personalized content, pre-populate forms, and define rules for Delegated Administration and Visitor Entitlements. These properties, such as address information, employment details, personal interests, and investing characteristics, appear as editable fields in the WebLogic Administration Portal.

While you can edit properties on groups, users belonging to those groups do not automatically inherit the group properties in the WebLogic Administration Portal environment. Developers can configure the application code to set up a group successor to a user profile at runtime.

To Edit User and Group Profile Values:

  1. Find the user or group whose profile you wish to edit. (If you do not see a list of groups, see the Notes below.)
  2. Select the Edit User Profile Values or Edit Group Profile Values tab.
  3. In the "Properties from Property Set" field, select the property set containing the properties you want to edit.
  4. Expand the property you want to edit.
  5. Change the property value and click Update Value.
  6. If you choose to delete the saved value, a successor value will be returned if there is one defined. If no successor was defined, the default value will be returned. If there is not a defined successor value nor a default value, the property value will be null.
  7. Repeat these steps to edit additional properties.

Notes: If a list of groups is not displayed, you may need to build a group hierarchy tree for the authentication provider. If after that you still do not see a list of groups, the authentication provider probably does not allow read access (see View Security Provider Properties to find out). However, you can activate a text field for group name entry for authentication providers that do not allow read access.

If you are using an RDBMS authentication provider, be aware of case sensitivity when looking up users and groups. For example, group "Managers" is different than group "managers.

If you cannot modify property values (they are read-only), they may be properties from an external property database brought in by your development team. While you cannot edit the properties, you can still use those properties in setting up personalization, Delegated Administration, and Visitor Entitlements.

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