Delete a User from the System

When you delete a user, you remove the user from the user store. The deleted user will no longer be available in any other group or subgroup, and the user will not be able to log in to your portal applications. To get the user back in the system, you must create the user again.

If you want to remove the user from a group but not remove the user from the entire system, see Remove Users from Groups.

Note: If you are using an external authentication provider to store users and groups (one that is not the default LDAP provider built in to WebLogic Server), and you want to remove a user from that provider, the provider may be configured to prevent user removal from an outside tool such as the WebLogic Administration Portal. To see whether or not the external authentication provider you are using supports user removal, see View Security Provider Properties. If the User Remover field for the authentication provider shows "No," you cannot remove users from that provider with the WebLogic Administration Portal. You must remove users directly from that provider.

To delete a user from the system:

  1. Find the user you want to delete.
  2. In the search results, click the check box next to the user and click Select Users. Selected user now appear in the Edit list.
  3. Click Delete Users from the System.
  4. If the user was explicitly listed in a Delegated Administration or Visitor Entitlement role, remove that user from the role definition(s) on the Delegated Administration and/or Visitor Entitlement pages.

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