Step 5: View the User Segments and Create Users

In this step you will view the two User Segments that have been provided for this tutorial. The User Segment definitions are initially created by the developer in WebLogic Workshop and can be modified using the WebLogic Administration Portal. You will also create two users that have the necessary characteristics to fit these classifications, used later to demonstrate personalization.

The tasks in this step are:

View the User Segments

  1. Select User Segments in the main navigation pane.

  2. In the User Segments Resource tree, select User Segments -> External.
  3. Select the Properties tab to view the following definition:

  4. For comparison, select User Segments -> Internal to display its definition:

Both of these User Segments are based on the value of the CustomerType property and are the simplest form. More sophisticated User Segments can be based on the characteristics of the visitor, session, or request.

Create Users

  1. Select Users and Groups in the main navigation pane.

  2. In the Browse User-Groups Resource tree, select the everyone (All Users) node.
  3. Select the Add Users tab, and click Create New User to open the Add a New User dialog.

  4. In the Username field, enter tutor1 and use the default password.
  5. Click Create New User.

  6. Click on the tutor1 link, and select the Edit User Profile Values tab.

  7. In the Property Set drop-down menu, select CustomerProperties.

  8. Use the arrows at the bottom of the Editor pane to navigate to the Customer Type property.

  9. Expand the Customer Type property, and type Internal in the input field.
  10. Click Update Value.

  11. Repeat steps 3-10, creating a user called tutor2 and setting the value of the CustomerType property to External.