© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface Loader

All Superinterfaces:
EJBObject, Remote

public interface Loader
extends EJBObject

Loads folders (Hierarchy Nodes) and files (Content Nodes) into a content repository, specified in the properties passed in, using the content manager.

Field Summary
          The LifeCycle status key for the md.properties.
static String SCHEMA_KEY
          The Node Type key for the md.properties.
Method Summary
 void delete(String path)
          Deletes the hiearchy at the given path.
 void loadDirectory(String path)
          Loads the given path as a Hierarchy Node.
 void loadFile(String path, BinaryValue binaryValue, byte[] bytes, Properties properties)
          Loads the the given metadata and binary as a Content Node.
Methods inherited from interface javax.ejb.EJBObject
getEJBHome, getHandle, getPrimaryKey, isIdentical, remove

Field Detail


public static final String LIFECYCLE_STATUS_KEY
The LifeCycle status key for the md.properties. For Library Services enabled repsoitories, this is the status the content will be loaded in. Valid values for the md.properties are
  • 1 = DRAFT
  • 2 = READY
  • 5 = RETIRED

    See Also:
    Constant Field Values


    public static final String SCHEMA_KEY
    The Node Type key for the md.properties. This specifies the node type for the file to be loaded.

    See Also:
    Constant Field Values
    Method Detail


    public void delete(String path)
                throws RemoteException
    Deletes the hiearchy at the given path.

    path - - the hierarchy to delete.
    RemoteException - - if an error occurs.


    public void loadDirectory(String path)
                       throws RemoteException
    Loads the given path as a Hierarchy Node.

    path - - the path where to create the Node, including the repository name as the first element in the path.
    RemoteException - - if an error occurs.


    public void loadFile(String path,
                         BinaryValue binaryValue,
                         byte[] bytes,
                         Properties properties)
                  throws RemoteException
    Loads the the given metadata and binary as a Content Node.

    path - - the full path for the the Content Node to load, including the repository name as the first element in the path.
    binaryValue - - the actual "content" to load. This get loaded in the Primary Property if one exists, if not it will be loaded in the first Binary Property found for the Node. This value does not include the InputStream, the bytes are passed as an additional parameter.
    bytes - - the bytes to add to the binaryValue as an InputStream.
    properties - - the meta-data for the binary to load.
    RemoteException - - if an error occurs.

    © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

    Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved