© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface IDesktopInstanceManager

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IDesktopInstanceManager

This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on DesktopInstance objects. In general this interface provides coarse grain getters and fine grain setters.

It is important to note that all methods on this interface are fully internationalized and entitled. All titles and descriptions on the objects returned by these methods are internationalized to the preferred locale. Also, all methods are entitled, meaning if the caller does not have the required credentials the method may return a subset of the actual list or be unable to perform the specified function.

Most "Instances" can be thought of as objects tied to a desktop, An Admin has instances derived from the Library Definition, and the "end user" has instances derived from the admin instance. Changes made via these APIs require a DesktopDefinitionId and the changes are scoped to that desktop. In other words changes made here do not affect the Library or other Desktops. If the "visitorMode" on the customization Context is set the false (default) and the user executing the call is in the "Admin" or "PortalSystemAdministrator" role then these changes take affect at the admin level, and affect ALL users. If the visitorMode is false then the changes only affect the calling user.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void deleteDesktopCustomizations(String username)
          Delete/Remove all the customization for a particular user.
 DesktopView getCustomizedDesktopView(CustomizationContext customizationContext, String webAppName, PortalPath portalPath, DesktopPath desktopPath)
          Getter for returning an immutable deep copy of a DesktopView.
 DesktopInstance getDesktopInstance(CustomizationContext customizationContext, DesktopInstanceId desktopInstanceId)
          Getter for returning a DesktopInstance identified by the supplied instance id.
 DesktopView getDesktopView(CustomizationContext customizationContext, DesktopInstanceId desktopInstanceId)
          Getter for returning an immutable deep copy of a DesktopView.
 DesktopView getDesktopView(CustomizationContext customizationContext, String webAppName, PortalPath portalPath, DesktopPath desktopPath)
          Getter for returning an immutable deep copy of a DesktopView.
 DesktopInstance updateDesktopInstance(CustomizationContext customizationContext, DesktopInstance desktopInstance)
          Update the persistent store for the supplied DesktopInstance.

Method Detail


public void deleteDesktopCustomizations(String username)
                                 throws RemoteException,
Delete/Remove all the customization for a particular user. This method should be called when a user is deleted from the system. Or you wish to remove all a user customizations.

username - the login name of the user.
NotEntitledException - if the caller does not have the required permissions to delete this customization


public DesktopView getCustomizedDesktopView(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                            String webAppName,
                                            PortalPath portalPath,
                                            DesktopPath desktopPath)
                                     throws RemoteException

Getter for returning an immutable deep copy of a DesktopView. If the user has customized his desktop then this will return the user's specific instance otherwise null is returned. The DesktopView object, unlike the DesktopDefinition or the DesktopInstance objects contains a deep copy of all references to all child pages, books and so on. The DesktopView object however is immutable.

customizationContext -
webAppName - the name of the webapp
portalPath - the partial portal path
desktopPath - the partial desktop path
an immutable deep copy DesktopView object if one exist, otherwise null.
See Also:
IDesktopDefinitionManager.getDesktopView(com.bea.netuix.application.manager.CustomizationContext, com.bea.netuix.application.identifier.DesktopDefinitionId)


public DesktopInstance getDesktopInstance(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                          DesktopInstanceId desktopInstanceId)
                                   throws RemoteException

Getter for returning a DesktopInstance identified by the supplied instance id.

customizationContext -
desktopInstanceId - the unique id of the instance to return
a fully populated internationalized DesktopInstance objects if it exist, otherwise null.


public DesktopView getDesktopView(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                  DesktopInstanceId desktopInstanceId)
                           throws RemoteException

Getter for returning an immutable deep copy of a DesktopView. The DesktopView object, unlike the DesktopDefinition or the DesktopInstance objects contains a deep copy of all references to all child pages, books and so on. The DesktopView object however is immutable.

customizationContext -
desktopInstanceId - the unique instance id (webapp/portlaPath/desktopPath) of the desktop.
an immutable deep copy DesktopView object if one exist, otherwise null.
See Also:
IDesktopDefinitionManager.getDesktopView(com.bea.netuix.application.manager.CustomizationContext, com.bea.netuix.application.identifier.DesktopDefinitionId)


public DesktopView getDesktopView(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                  String webAppName,
                                  PortalPath portalPath,
                                  DesktopPath desktopPath)
                           throws RemoteException

Getter for returning an immutable deep copy of a DesktopView. If the user has customized his deskotp then this will return the user's specific instance. The DesktopView object, unlike the DesktopDefinition or the DesktopInstance objects contains a deep copy of all references to all child pages, books and so on. The DesktopView object however is immutable.

customizationContext -
webAppName - the name of the webapp
portalPath - the partial portal path
desktopPath - the partial desktop path
an immutable deep copy DesktopView object if one exist, otherwise null.
See Also:
IDesktopDefinitionManager.getDesktopView(com.bea.netuix.application.manager.CustomizationContext, com.bea.netuix.application.identifier.DesktopDefinitionId)


public DesktopInstance updateDesktopInstance(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                             DesktopInstance desktopInstance)
                                      throws RemoteException,

Update the persistent store for the supplied DesktopInstance. All attributes of the DesktopInstance are updated in persistent store.

desktopInstance - the new desktop instance containing all the new data.
ObjectNotFoundException - the DesktopInstanceId specified in the desktopInstance is bogus.
NotEntitledException - if the caller does not have the required permissions to update this object.

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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