© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface BookView

All Superinterfaces:
ChildView, MarkupBasedView, NavigableView, ParentView, PlaceableView, Serializable, ThemedMarkupBasedView, View

public interface BookView
extends ParentView, NavigableView, PlaceableView, ThemedMarkupBasedView

"Views" are deep copy immutable objects. Unlike "Definitions" and "Instances" Views cannot be modified by the developer. A Instance or a Definition however can always be obtained from the view. The persistence APIs provides course grain and fine grain getters but only fine grain setters. If you are interested in an object and all its children then retrieve the View, if you are only interested in the immediate object and don't care about its children then retrieve the Definition.

The book view represents a book and all its contents. Books aggregate a set of navigables. A navigable is either a book or a page, so books can contain pages but may also contain other books. There is no theoretical limit to the number of navigables a book may contain.

See Also:

Field Summary
          Constant enum to represent a book's menu location.
          Constant enum to represent a book's menu location.
          Constant enum to represent a book's menu location.
static short ORIENTATION_TOP
          Constant enum to represent a book's menu location.
Fields inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.NavigableView
Method Summary
 int getBookCount()
          Get the number of child books of this book.
 BookDefinition getBookDefinition()
          Retrieve the associated BookDefinition from this Book View.
 BookDefinitionId getBookDefinitionId()
          Getter for book definition id.
 BookGroupId getBookGroupId()
          Getter for book's book group id.
 BookInstance getBookInstance()
          Retrieve the associated BookInstance from this Book View.
 BookInstanceId getBookInstanceId()
          Getter for book instance id.
 BookView getBookView(BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
          Gets an immediate child book with a given definition Id.
 BookView getBookView(BookInstanceId bookInstanceId)
          Gets an immediate child book with a given instance ID.
 BookView getBookView(String definitionLabel)
          Gets an immediate child book with a given label.
 BookView getBookViewRecursive(BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
          Gets any child book with a given definition id, searching the entire tree of nested books.
 BookView getBookViewRecursive(BookInstanceId bookInstanceId)
          Gets any child book with a given instance ID, searching the entire tree of nested books.
 BookView getBookViewRecursive(String bookDefinitionLabel)
          Gets any child book with a given label, searching the entire tree of nested books.
 BookView[] getBookViews()
          Get the child books of this book.
 String getDefaultPage()
          Retrieve the definition label of the default page for this book.
 short getMenuOrientation()
          Returns the menu's orientation.
 MenuView getMenuView()
          Get the child menu View class for this book.
 int getNavigableCount()
          Get the number of child navigables (books or pages) of this book.
 NavigableView getNavigableView(NavigableDefinitionId navigableDefinitionId)
          Gets the child navigable (book or page) with a given label, searching only the immediate children.
 NavigableView getNavigableView(NavigableInstanceId navigableInstanceId)
          Gets the child navigable (book or page) with a given label, searching only the immediate children.
 NavigableView getNavigableView(String definitionLabel)
          Gets the child navigable (book or page) with a given label, searching only the immediate children.
 NavigableView[] getNavigableViews()
          Get the child navigables (books or pages) of this book.
 int getPageCount()
          Get the number of child pages of this book.
 PageView getPageView(PageDefinitionId pageDefinitionId)
          Gets an immediate child page with a given definition ID.
 PageView getPageView(PageInstanceId pageInstanceId)
          Gets an immediate child page with a given instance ID.
 PageView getPageView(String definitionLabel)
          Gets an immediate child page with a given label.
 PageView getPageViewRecursive(PageDefinitionId pageDefinitionId)
          Gets the PageView with a given pageDefintionId, searching the entire tree of nested books.
 PageView getPageViewRecursive(PageInstanceId pageInstanceId)
          Gets the PageView with a given instance id, searching the entire tree of nested books.
 PageView getPageViewRecursive(String pageDefinitionLabel)
          Gets the PageView with a given label, searching the entire tree of nested books.
 PageView[] getPageViews()
          Get the child pages of this book.
 PlacementId getPlacementId()
          Getter for book's placement id.
 PortletView getPortletViewRecursive(PortletInstanceId portletInstanceId)
          Gets the PortletView with a given instance ID, searching the entire tree of nested books, pages, ....
 PortletView getPortletViewRecursive(String portletInstanceLabel)
          Gets the PortletView with a given instance label, searching the entire tree of nested books.
 String getWebAppName()
          Return the name of the webapp that this book is associated with.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.NavigableView
getAlignment, getDefinitionLabel, getLocalizationResourceView, getMenuPosition, getNavigableDefinition, getNavigableInstance, isDefaultPage, isHidden, isPublic
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.View
getDescription, getTitle
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.PlaceableView
getDefinitionLabel, getLabel, getLocalizationResourceView, getPlaceableDefinition, getPlaceableInstance, getPlaceholderDefinitionId, getPlaceholderPosition
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.ThemedMarkupBasedView
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.MarkupBasedView

Field Detail


public static final short ORIENTATION_BOTTOM
Constant enum to represent a book's menu location.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short ORIENTATION_LEFT
Constant enum to represent a book's menu location.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short ORIENTATION_RIGHT
Constant enum to represent a book's menu location.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short ORIENTATION_TOP
Constant enum to represent a book's menu location.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public int getBookCount()

Get the number of child books of this book. This method counts immediate children only.

if there are no child books then this return 0.


public BookDefinition getBookDefinition()

Retrieve the associated BookDefinition from this Book View. Book Views are immutable but Instances and Definitions are not. Therefore it is often necessary to retrieve the definition from the view in order to update its values and then in turn call the persistence API.

a non null Book Definition.


public BookDefinitionId getBookDefinitionId()

Getter for book definition id. The definition id is the primary key value for the book definition in the PF_BOOK_DEFINITION table. A Book Definition may have many instance these instance are created when administrators or users customize their portal. A Book Definition always has at least one instance namely the "primary" instance.

a non null unique definition id. This value should never be null as views are constructed via the persistence API.


public BookGroupId getBookGroupId()

Getter for book's book group id. The book group id represents a unique placement of a book on a book. Books may contain Books just like they may contain Pages. If this book is placed on a Book then this book group id represents the primary key value of the PF_BOOK_GROUP.BOOK_GROUP_ID value in the database. Note: this book may not be placed on a book as it may be place on a page. Also, if this view was obtained directly and not from a parent view object then this value may also be null.

the book group id if this book is placed on a page and this BookView object was retrieved view a higher level view object (example BookView.getBookViews()).


public BookInstance getBookInstance()

Retrieve the associated BookInstance from this Book View. Book Views are immutable but Instances and Definitions are not. Therefore it is often necessary to retrieve the instance from the view in order to update its values and then in turn call the persistence API.

a non null Book Instance.


public BookInstanceId getBookInstanceId()

Getter for book instance id. The instance id is the primary key value for the book instance in the PF_BOOK_INSTANCE table. A Book Definition may have many instance these instance are created when administrators or users customize their portal. A Book Definition always has at least one instance namely the "primary" instance.

a non null unique definition id. This value should never be null as views are constructed via the persistence API.


public BookView getBookView(BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
Gets an immediate child book with a given definition Id.

bookDefinitionId - of the child book we are looking for.
the child book view or null if none are found.


public BookView getBookView(BookInstanceId bookInstanceId)
Gets an immediate child book with a given instance ID.

bookInstanceId - of the child we are looking for.
the child book view or null if none are found.


public BookView getBookView(String definitionLabel)
Gets an immediate child book with a given label.

Specified by:
getBookView in interface ParentView
definitionLabel - of the child we are looking for.
the book view if it exists otherwise null.


public BookView getBookViewRecursive(BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
Gets any child book with a given definition id, searching the entire tree of nested books.

Specified by:
getBookViewRecursive in interface ParentView
bookDefinitionId - of the child we are looking for.
the child book view or null if none are found.


public BookView getBookViewRecursive(BookInstanceId bookInstanceId)
Gets any child book with a given instance ID, searching the entire tree of nested books.

Specified by:
getBookViewRecursive in interface ParentView
bookInstanceId - of the child book we are looking for.
the child book view or null if none are found.


public BookView getBookViewRecursive(String bookDefinitionLabel)
Gets any child book with a given label, searching the entire tree of nested books.

Specified by:
getBookViewRecursive in interface ParentView
bookDefinitionLabel - of the child we are looking for.
the child book view or null if none are found.


public BookView[] getBookViews()

Get the child books of this book. Books can contain Books just like they can contain Pages. If this Book has child books then this method returns them. This method returns immediate children only.

returns the immediate list of child books if there are any otherwise null.


public String getDefaultPage()

Retrieve the definition label of the default page for this book. It is important to note that Book can act like pages on a parent book so this method may retrieve the definition label of a book even though this methods say get default Page.

the definition label of the page or book that is the default for this parent book.


public short getMenuOrientation()

Returns the menu's orientation. The orientation is a hint to the book and menu skeleton to render the menu at the top, left, right or bottom of the book. Since this is only a hint to the book/menu skeleton, if the skeleton does not support it, it will have no effect.



public MenuView getMenuView()

Get the child menu View class for this book. Menus are optional on a book so this may return null.

the child menu view if this book has a menu, otherwise null.


public int getNavigableCount()
Get the number of child navigables (books or pages) of this book. This method counts immediate children only.

the number of immediate navigables. This method has the same effect as getBookCount() + getPageCount();


public NavigableView getNavigableView(NavigableDefinitionId navigableDefinitionId)
Gets the child navigable (book or page) with a given label, searching only the immediate children.

navigableDefinitionId - (BookDefinitionId or PageDefinitionId) of the child book or page.
the child navigable view or null if none are found.


public NavigableView getNavigableView(NavigableInstanceId navigableInstanceId)
Gets the child navigable (book or page) with a given label, searching only the immediate children.

navigableInstanceId - (BookInstanceId or PageInstanceId) of the child book or page.
the child navigable view or null if none are found.


public NavigableView getNavigableView(String definitionLabel)
Gets the child navigable (book or page) with a given label, searching only the immediate children.

definitionLabel - of the child book or page.
the child navigable view or null if none are found.


public NavigableView[] getNavigableViews()
Get the child navigables (books or pages) of this book. This method returns immediate children only. The return array is sorted based on menu position.

a sorted array of child books and pages.


public int getPageCount()
Get the number of child pages of this book. This method counts immediate children only.


public PageView getPageView(PageDefinitionId pageDefinitionId)
Gets an immediate child page with a given definition ID.

pageDefinitionId - of the child page we are looking for.
the child page view or null if none are found.


public PageView getPageView(PageInstanceId pageInstanceId)
Gets an immediate child page with a given instance ID. Returns null if no such page is found.

pageInstanceId - of the child page we are looking for.
the child page view or null if none are found.


public PageView getPageView(String definitionLabel)
Gets an immediate child page with a given label.

Specified by:
getPageView in interface ParentView
definitionLabel - of the child we are looking for.
the page view if it exists otherwise null.


public PageView getPageViewRecursive(PageDefinitionId pageDefinitionId)
Gets the PageView with a given pageDefintionId, searching the entire tree of nested books.

Specified by:
getPageViewRecursive in interface ParentView
pageDefinitionId - of the child page we are looking for.
the child page view or null if none are found.


public PageView getPageViewRecursive(PageInstanceId pageInstanceId)
Gets the PageView with a given instance id, searching the entire tree of nested books.

Specified by:
getPageViewRecursive in interface ParentView
pageInstanceId - of the child page we are looking for.
the child page view or null if none are found.


public PageView getPageViewRecursive(String pageDefinitionLabel)
Gets the PageView with a given label, searching the entire tree of nested books.

Specified by:
getPageViewRecursive in interface ParentView
pageDefinitionLabel - of the child page we are looking for.
the child page view or null if none are found.


public PageView[] getPageViews()

Get the child pages of this book. Books can contain Pages just like they can contain Books. If this Book has child pages then this method returns them. This method returns immediate children only.

returns the immediate list of child pages if there are any otherwise null.


public PlacementId getPlacementId()

Getter for book's placement id. The placement id represents a unique placement of a book on a page. Pages may contain Books just like they may contain Portlets. If this book is placed on a Page then this placement id represents the primary key value of the PF_PLACEMENT.PLACEMENT_ID value in the database. Note: this book may not be placed on a page as it may be place on another book or be the main book of the desktop. Also, if this view was obtained directly and not from a parent view object then this value may also be null.

Specified by:
getPlacementId in interface PlaceableView
the placement id if this book is placed on a page and this BookView object was retrieved view a higher level view object (example DesktopView.getBookView()).


public PortletView getPortletViewRecursive(PortletInstanceId portletInstanceId)
Gets the PortletView with a given instance ID, searching the entire tree of nested books, pages, ....

Specified by:
getPortletViewRecursive in interface ParentView
portletInstanceId - of the child portlet we are looking for.
the child portlet view or null if none are found.


public PortletView getPortletViewRecursive(String portletInstanceLabel)
Gets the PortletView with a given instance label, searching the entire tree of nested books.

Specified by:
getPortletViewRecursive in interface ParentView
portletInstanceLabel - of the child portlet we are looking for.
the child portlet view or null if none are found.


public String getWebAppName()
Return the name of the webapp that this book is associated with. All resources in the portal framework database are scoped to the webapp.

a non null webapp name.

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