© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface Cache

All Superinterfaces:
CacheDefaults, CacheStats, ReloadableCache

public interface Cache
extends CacheDefaults, CacheStats, ReloadableCache

The main interface for the cache. Provides methods to add, access, and remove entries from a cache.

Keys may be any object, although it is suggested that Strings or lightweight Serializable objects be used. In order to receive notifications to invalidate a particular key in the cache (from other nodes of a cluster or from Admin server), the key must be Serializable (so it can be transmitted between servers). Such keys must also have properly implemented equals() and hashcode() methods.

CAUTION: The cache data structure does not itself provide immutability of its values. In other words, it returns references to its actual objects. It is recommended that those values protect themselves from change unless that change is actually desired - remember these objects will eventually expire from the Cache.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheDefaults
Method Summary
 void clear()
          Remove all elements from the cache.
 boolean containsKey(Object key)
          Determines if an entry exists in the cache.
 Set entrySet()
          Access the values of the key/value pair of the Cache.
 Object get(Object key)
          Retrieve an entry in the Cache.
 int getMaxEntries()
          Get the max number of entries the cache can have.
 String getName()
          Get cache name.
 long getTtl()
          Get the time-to-live, in milliseconds, of entries for the cache.
 boolean isEnabled()
          Is the cache enabled?
 Set keySet()
          Access the keys of the key/value pair of the Cache.
 Object put(Object key, Object value)
          Put a value into the cache.
 Object put(Object key, Object value, long ttl)
          Put a value into the cache, with a specific time-to-live.
 Object remove(Object key)
          Removes a single entry from the Cache if it exists.
 void setEnabled(boolean newEnabled)
          Set enabled mode of cache.
 void setMaxEntries(int maxEntries)
          Set the max number of items the cache can have.
 void setTtl(long timeToLive)
          Set the default time-to-live for all elements in cache.
 int size()
          Size of the cache.
 String toString()
          Describes the attributes of the cache.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheStats
getHitCount, getHitRate, getMissCount, resetStats
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.p13n.cache.ReloadableCache
getReloader, put, put, reload, setReloader, unsetReloader

Method Detail


public void clear()
Remove all elements from the cache.


public boolean containsKey(Object key)
Determines if an entry exists in the cache.

key - The key of a key/value pair to check for existence in the cache.
boolean true if the object associated with that key exists in the cache, false otherwise.


public Set entrySet()
Access the values of the key/value pair of the Cache. Values that have expired are not included in this set.

Set The set of values of the key/value pair of the Cache.


public Object get(Object key)
Retrieve an entry in the Cache. Returns null if the entry does not exist or has expired or if the cache is not enabled. Otherwise, it returns the Value associated with the key and moves the entry to the top of the LRU list (making it the most recently used object.

key - The key of a key/value pair to retrieve from the cache.
Object the value of the key/value pair asslciated with the key, or null if the entry does not exist or has expired.


public int getMaxEntries()
Get the max number of entries the cache can have. The cache uses a LRU strategy, so that it will never contain more than maxEntries entries.

the maximum number of entries of the cache


public String getName()
Get cache name. Each cache has a unique name, and is referenced by that name. The CacheFactory maintains a collection of cache objects, and the cache name represents the key in the key/value pair in the collection.

The cache name


public long getTtl()
Get the time-to-live, in milliseconds, of entries for the cache. Unless specified for each entry individually, the time-to-live is set upon creation of the cache and applies to all entries in the cache.

the cache's time-to-live value in milliseconds


public boolean isEnabled()
Is the cache enabled?

boolean, true if it is enabled, flase otherwise.


public Set keySet()
Access the keys of the key/value pair of the Cache. Values that have expired are not included in this set.

Set The set of keys in the key/value entries of the cacbe.


public Object put(Object key,
                  Object value)
Put a value into the cache.

Neither the key nor the value can be null

key - the key of the entry to create
value - the value to associate with the key
Object the previous value for the key


public Object put(Object key,
                  Object value,
                  long ttl)
Put a value into the cache, with a specific time-to-live.

Neither the key nor the value can be null

key - the key of the entry to create
value - the value to associate with the key
ttl - time-to-live, in milliseconds, of the object. This ttl overrides the default ttl for the cache, and applies only to this object.
Object the previous value for the key


public Object remove(Object key)
Removes a single entry from the Cache if it exists.

key - The key of a key/value pair to remove from the cache.
The object that was removed, or null if object did not exist.


public void setEnabled(boolean newEnabled)
Set enabled mode of cache. Disabling the cache will flush the cache and cause fetch, add, and remove to do nothing.

newEnabled - true to enable the cache, false to disable the cache.


public void setMaxEntries(int maxEntries)
Set the max number of items the cache can have. Because the cache implements a LRU (least-recently-used) strategy, the maximum allowed value for this is defined in CacheDefaults.MAX_ENTRIES_MAX.

maxEntries - the maximum size of the cache


public void setTtl(long timeToLive)
Set the default time-to-live for all elements in cache. Note that using a value of TTL_NEVER_EXPIRE, means elements will never expire.


public int size()
Size of the cache. This returns the size of the internal map. This may or may not match the size of the collection returned from the values method. The values method will strip out all expired values.

int The number of entries in the cache.


public String toString()
Describes the attributes of the cache.

the attributes of the cache.

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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