© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface ObjectFilter

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ObjectFilter

This interface is used to filter objects. The caller passes an implementing class to a method and receives callbacks that allow the caller to filter the output objects as desired. Filters can either build up state within themselves or can merely block or pass objects based on a filtering algorithm.

Method Summary
 Object filter(Object obj)
          The main filtering method on the interface.
 void reset()
          Stateful filters should implement this interface to allow them to be reset to an intial state.

Method Detail


public Object filter(Object obj)
The main filtering method on the interface.

obj - the object to be filtered.
the result of the filtering or null.


public void reset()
Stateful filters should implement this interface to allow them to be reset to an intial state.

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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