© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface UserManager

All Superinterfaces:
weblogic.jws.control.Control, com.bea.control.Control, Serializable

public interface UserManager
extends weblogic.jws.control.Control

Remote Interface for the UserManager session bean. This is the synchronization point between user profile support and WebLogic security. Any user management operations should be done here, rather than through the security APIs directly. This class depends on the following EJB environment in the ejb deployment descriptor:

Any methods that create or remove users delegate to the WebLogic provider selected by RealmHelper.getProviderMBean. If multiple providers are configured, see RealmHelper for information about which of those providers will be used.

This control requires that the UserManager EJB has been deployed to the application. The UserManager EJB is contained in p13n_ejb.jar, and is automatically deployed as part of a Portal application.

This control is deprecated as of Portal 8.1.x. Each method will note the replacement control and method to use.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class com.bea.control.Control
Method Summary
 void authenticate(String username, String password)
          Deprecated. Use UserInfoControl.authenticate(username, password)
 ProfileWrapper createUser(String username, String password)
          Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use UserProviderControl.createUser(username, password)
 ProfileWrapper createUserOfProfileType(String username, String password, String profileType)
          Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use UserProviderControl.createUser(username, password). All profile types are assumed to be of type USER. To create the user profile, use ProfileControl.createUserProfile()
 String[] getProfileTypeNames()
          Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use ProfileControl.getProfileTypeNames() in conjunction with the UserProviderControl
 List getUserNames(String searchExpression, int limit)
          Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use UserProviderControl.getUserNames(searchExpression, limit)
 ProfileWrapper getUserProfile(String username)
          Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use ProfileControl.getProfileForUser(username) in conjunction with the UserProviderControl
 ProfileManager getUserProfileManager(String username)
          Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use ProfileControl.getProfileForUser(username) in conjunction with the UserProviderControl
 void removeUser(String username)
          Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use UserProviderControl.removeUser(username)
 void setPassword(String username, String password)
          Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use UserProviderControl.setPassword(username, password)
 boolean userExists(String username)
          Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use UserProviderControl.userExists(username)

Method Detail


public void authenticate(String username,
                         String password)
                  throws P13nControlException
Deprecated. Use UserInfoControl.authenticate(username, password)

Authenticate a user. Throws an AuthenticationException if the user is not a valid user or credentials are invalid. This method is only used to verify a username and password, it does not do anything to :log in" or set the user as the "current" system user.

username - the username for the user
password - the password for the user
P13nControlException - if the user is not a valid user or credentials are incorrect


public ProfileWrapper createUser(String username,
                                 String password)
                          throws P13nControlException
Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use UserProviderControl.createUser(username, password)

Creates a user with the given username and password. This user will use the default UserProfileManager for profile entries.

username - the username for the new user
password - the password for the new user
a ProfileManager that can be used to access the new User
P13nControlException - if the username is already in use


public ProfileWrapper createUserOfProfileType(String username,
                                              String password,
                                              String profileType)
                                       throws P13nControlException
Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use UserProviderControl.createUser(username, password). All profile types are assumed to be of type USER. To create the user profile, use ProfileControl.createUserProfile()

Creates a user with a specific profile type.

username - the username for the new user
password - the password for the new user
profileType - the name of the profile type for the new user
a ProfileWrapper that can be used to access the new User
P13nControlException - if the username is already in use


public String[] getProfileTypeNames()
                             throws P13nControlException
Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use ProfileControl.getProfileTypeNames() in conjunction with the UserProviderControl

Return a list of profile type names that are registered with the UserManager.

P13nControlException - if remote errors accessing UserManager EJB


public List getUserNames(String searchExpression,
                         int limit)
                  throws P13nControlException
Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use UserProviderControl.getUserNames(searchExpression, limit)

Returns a List of users' names matching the search expression

searchExpression - a wildcard search expression
limit - a limit of results to return
P13nControlException - if errors accessing UserManager EJB


public ProfileWrapper getUserProfile(String username)
                              throws P13nControlException
Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use ProfileControl.getProfileForUser(username) in conjunction with the UserProviderControl

Get the Profile for the given user. Security constraints should restrict use of this method to administrators only.

username - the username for the user
a user profile for a user
P13nControlException - if profile cannot be found


public ProfileManager getUserProfileManager(String username)
                                     throws P13nControlException
Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use ProfileControl.getProfileForUser(username) in conjunction with the UserProviderControl

Returns the appropriate ProfileManager deployment for this user, based on the user's profile type. If the user exists in the realm, but does not have a profile yet, a profile will be created at this time. Security constraints should restrict use of this method to administrators only.

username - the username for the user
a user profile for a user
P13nControlException - if user does not exist


public void removeUser(String username)
                throws P13nControlException
Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use UserProviderControl.removeUser(username)

Removes a user from the system. This will remove both the realm and profile records for this user.

username - the username of the user to remove
P13nControlException - if user does not exist


public void setPassword(String username,
                        String password)
                 throws P13nControlException
Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use UserProviderControl.setPassword(username, password)

Sets the password for a user in the realm. Security constraints should restrict use of this method to administrators only. A user should use changePassword to change their own password.

username - the username of the user
password - the new password for the user
P13nControlException - if the password is malformed or otherwise invalid


public boolean userExists(String username)
                   throws P13nControlException
Deprecated. As of Portal 8.1.x, use UserProviderControl.userExists(username)

Determines if a user exists. This method simply checks the provider for a user with the given name.

username - the user to look for
true if the user exists, false if it does not
P13nControlException - if errors accessing UserManager EJB

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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