© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface UserRegistrationEventControl

All Superinterfaces:
weblogic.jws.control.Control, com.bea.control.Control, Serializable

public interface UserRegistrationEventControl
extends weblogic.jws.control.Control

This control dispatches a 'UserRegistrationEvent' to the Portal Behavior Tracking System. This control may not be used in a JWS because the request and session objects are not available.
The Request object may be obtained from a Page Flow by:

 HttpServletRequest request = this.getRequest();

See Portal documentation on "Events and Behavior Tracking" for information on how to configure the service before using this control.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class com.bea.control.Control
Method Summary
 void dispatch(HttpServletRequest request, String userId)
          Dispatch a UserRegistrationEvent to the Event Service.

Method Detail


public void dispatch(HttpServletRequest request,
                     String userId)
              throws P13nControlException
Dispatch a UserRegistrationEvent to the Event Service.

request - the HttpServletRequest object, cannot be null
userId - The id (name) of the new registered user
P13nControlException - if the EventService is misconfigured or if remote exceptions are encountered while accessing the event service.

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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