© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class RoleManagerProxy

  extended bycom.bea.p13n.security.management.rolemapper.RoleManagerProxy

public class RoleManagerProxy
extends Object

This class provides access to Role management functions as defined by the WLS Security Service Provider Interface (SSPI). This class acts as a proxy for a single, configured Role Mapper Provider plug-in by proxying calls to the RoleProvider class.

This class should not contain any layered product dependencies.

Since it is possible that a Role Mapper Provider may not implement all optional management interfaces, an OperationNotSupportedException may be thrown.

This class is constructed using the RoleProviderDescription.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
RoleManagerProxy(RoleProviderDescription aProviderDescription)
RoleManagerProxy(RoleProviderDescription aProviderDescription, boolean cacheAdminMBean)
Method Summary
 String getUniqueName()
          Get the unique name for this RoleManagerProxy.
 String[] listRolesForResource(String resourceId)
          Lists all role names for this provider associated with the given resource id.
 boolean roleExists(String resourceId, String roleName)
          Determines if a role exists for this provider.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RoleManagerProxy(RoleProviderDescription aProviderDescription)


public RoleManagerProxy(RoleProviderDescription aProviderDescription,
                        boolean cacheAdminMBean)
Method Detail


public String getUniqueName()
Get the unique name for this RoleManagerProxy. It's the concatenation of the display name with the version.


public String[] listRolesForResource(String resourceId)
Lists all role names for this provider associated with the given resource id.

resourceId - the resource the role is scoped to
String array of role names


public boolean roleExists(String resourceId,
                          String roleName)
Determines if a role exists for this provider.

resourceId - the resource the role is scoped to
roleName - the role name to check
true if the role exists, false otherwise

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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