© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class ProfileFactory

  extended bycom.bea.p13n.usermgmt.profile.ProfileFactory

public class ProfileFactory
extends Object

Factory class for retrieving user and group profiles. This will return an implementation of ProfileWrapper, which is a lightweight object that knows how to access the correct ProfileManager session beans based on the profile identity it is initialized with.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static AnonymousProfileWrapper createAnonymousProfile()
          Create a new AnonymousProfileWrapper with no possibility of being tracked.
static ProfileIdentity createProfileIdentity(String username, String groupname)
          Create a ProfileIdentity object.
static PhantomProfileWrapper getPhantomProfile(ProfileIdentity id)
          Create a ProfileWrapper for the given ProfileIdentity.
static PhantomProfileWrapper getPhantomProfile(String username, String groupname)
          Create a PhantomProfileWrapper for the given username and groupname.
static ProfileWrapper getProfile(ProfileIdentity id)
          Create a ProfileWrapper for the given ProfileIdentity.
static ProfileWrapper getProfile(ProfileIdentity id, boolean validate)
          Create a ProfileWrapper for the given ProfileIdentity.
static ProfileWrapper getProfile(String username, String groupname)
          Create a ProfileWrapper for the given username and groupname.
static ProfileWrapper getProfile(String username, String groupname, boolean validate)
          Create a ProfileWrapper for the given username and groupname.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ProfileFactory()
Method Detail


public static AnonymousProfileWrapper createAnonymousProfile()
Create a new AnonymousProfileWrapper with no possibility of being tracked. When this ctor is used, we cannot track anonymous users; we need a session.


public static ProfileIdentity createProfileIdentity(String username,
                                                    String groupname)
Create a ProfileIdentity object. This can later be used to create a ProfileWrapper, or simply to identify a profile.

username - the username of the profile
groupname - the groupname of the profile
a ProfileIdentity created from the specified name(s).


public static PhantomProfileWrapper getPhantomProfile(ProfileIdentity id)
Create a ProfileWrapper for the given ProfileIdentity. The id can have a username, a groupname, or both. If the username is null, the ProfileWrapper will access the group's profile. If the groupname is null, it will access the user's profile with no default explicit successor. If both are provided, it will access the user's profile and use the provided groupname as an explicit successor when calling the ProfileManager. The PhantomProfileWrapper differs from a normal ProfileWrapper in that the user and/or group do not need to exist to use the wrapper.

id - the profile identity containg user/group name
an initialized PhantomProfileWrapper


public static PhantomProfileWrapper getPhantomProfile(String username,
                                                      String groupname)
Create a PhantomProfileWrapper for the given username and groupname. One or the other may be null, but not both. If the username is null, the ProfileWrapper will access the group's profile. If the groupname is null, it will access the user's profile with no default explicit successor. If both are provided, it will access the user's profile and use the provided groupname as an explicit successor when calling the ProfileManager. The PhantomProfileWrapper differs from a normal ProfileWrapper in that the user and/or group do not need to exist to use the wrapper.

username - the username of the profile
groupname - the groupname of the profile
an initialized PhantomProfileWrapper


public static ProfileWrapper getProfile(ProfileIdentity id)
                                 throws RemoteException,
Create a ProfileWrapper for the given ProfileIdentity. The id can have a username, a groupname, or both. If the username is null, the ProfileWrapper will access the group's profile. If the groupname is null, it will access the user's profile with no default explicit successor. If both are provided, it will access the user's profile and use the provided groupname as an explicit successor when calling the ProfileManager.

id - the profile identity containg user/group name
an initialized ProfileWrapper
ProfileNotFoundException - if the given identity(ies) do not exist


public static ProfileWrapper getProfile(ProfileIdentity id,
                                        boolean validate)
                                 throws RemoteException,
Create a ProfileWrapper for the given ProfileIdentity. The id can have a username, a groupname, or both. If the username is null, the ProfileWrapper will access the group's profile. If the groupname is null, it will access the user's profile with no default explicit successor. If both are provided, it will access the user's profile and use the provided groupname as an explicit successor when calling the ProfileManager.

id - the profile identity containg user/group name
validate - if true, validate the ProfileIdentity by confirming entity exists
an initialized ProfileWrapper
ProfileNotFoundException - if the given identity(ies) do not exist


public static ProfileWrapper getProfile(String username,
                                        String groupname)
                                 throws RemoteException,
Create a ProfileWrapper for the given username and groupname. One or the other may be null, but not both. If the username is null, the ProfileWrapper will access the group's profile. If the groupname is null, it will access the user's profile with no default explicit successor. If both are provided, it will access the user's profile and use the provided groupname as an explicit successor when calling the ProfileManager.

username - the username of the profile
groupname - the groupname of the profile
an initialized ProfileWrapper
ProfileNotFoundException - if the given identity(ies) do not exist


public static ProfileWrapper getProfile(String username,
                                        String groupname,
                                        boolean validate)
                                 throws RemoteException,
Create a ProfileWrapper for the given username and groupname. One or the other may be null, but not both. If the username is null, the ProfileWrapper will access the group's profile. If the groupname is null, it will access the user's profile with no default explicit successor. If both are provided, it will access the user's profile and use the provided groupname as an explicit successor when calling the ProfileManager.

username - the username of the profile
groupname - the groupname of the profile
validate - if true, validate the ProfileIdentity by confirming entity exists
an initialized ProfileWrapper
ProfileNotFoundException - if the given identity(ies) do not exist

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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