© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface UserPageState

All Superinterfaces:
PortalResource, PortalScopedObject

Deprecated. com.bea.portal is only useful in the compatibility domain. For the new portal framework please use the classes under the com.bea.netuix package

public interface UserPageState
extends PortalResource

Interface UserPageState represents the current state of a portal page with respect to a specific user session. All the data required to personalize the associated portal page should be available through this interface.

Method Summary
 LayoutIdentifier getLayoutIdentifier()
          Deprecated. Method getLayoutIdentifier retrieves an identifier for the layout specified to be used to render this portal page.
 UserPageStateMetadata getMetadata()
          Deprecated. Method getMetadata retrieves the metadata object associated with this user page state.
 PageIdentifier getPageIdentifier()
          Deprecated. Method getPageIdentifier retrieves the identifier of the portal page that this object is the state of.
 List getPortletsForPlaceholder(String placeholderId)
          Deprecated. Method getPortletsForPlaceholder retrieves the list of all PortletIdentifier objects that are associated with visible portlets situated within the supplied placeholder.
 UserPortletState getUserPortletState(PortletIdentifier portletId)
          Deprecated. Method getUserPortletState retrieves an object representing the state of the specified portlet personalized for the associated user.
 HashMap getUserPortletStates()
          Deprecated. Method getAllUserPortletState retrieves the list of all UserPortletState objects within this UserPageState NOTE: the definition of UserPortalState requires that only USerPortletState objects associated with visible portlets on the current page be maintained in the UserPortalState.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.portal.model.PortalResource
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.portal.model.PortalScopedObject

Method Detail


public LayoutIdentifier getLayoutIdentifier()
Method getLayoutIdentifier retrieves an identifier for the layout specified to be used to render this portal page. This identifier simply contains a String which maps to a subdirectory under the defined layout directory. All the extra resources required to render the layout template should be loaded from this directory. This data is associated to the user at user scope.

A value of type LayoutIdentifier used to specify the layout template to use to render this portal page.


public UserPageStateMetadata getMetadata()
Method getMetadata retrieves the metadata object associated with this user page state.

A value of type UserPageStateMetadata used to specify the information such as the display name and index of the page.


public PageIdentifier getPageIdentifier()
Method getPageIdentifier retrieves the identifier of the portal page that this object is the state of.

A value of type PageIdentifier used to specify the portal page that this object is the state of.


public List getPortletsForPlaceholder(String placeholderId)
Method getPortletsForPlaceholder retrieves the list of all PortletIdentifier objects that are associated with visible portlets situated within the supplied placeholder.

A value of type List containing the portlet states associated with visible portlets in the supplied placeholder.


public UserPortletState getUserPortletState(PortletIdentifier portletId)
Method getUserPortletState retrieves an object representing the state of the specified portlet personalized for the associated user.

NOTE: the definition of UserPortalState requires that only UserPortletState objects associated with visible portlets on the current page be maintained in the PortalState.

A value of type UserPortletState used to specify the state of the specified portlet for the associated user.


public HashMap getUserPortletStates()
Method getAllUserPortletState retrieves the list of all UserPortletState objects within this UserPageState

NOTE: the definition of UserPortalState requires that only USerPortletState objects associated with visible portlets on the current page be maintained in the UserPortalState.

A value of type UserPortletState used to specify the state of the specified portlet for the associated user.

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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