© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.customer

The Customer package contains classes that are necessary to keeps track of individual that buy items.


Interface Summary
Customer Stores the information required to do business with a customer.
CustomerDelegate Stores the information required to do business with a customer.
CustomerDelegateHome The home interface for the Customer entity bean.
CustomerHome The home interface for the Customer entity bean.

Class Summary
Customer_ContactAddress_CRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping
Customer_CreditCard_CRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping
Customer_creditCards_SmartMapReference Base class for all SmartMapReferences for Belongings for BMP.
Customer_ShippingAddress_CRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping
Customer_shippingAddress_SmartMapReference Base class for all SmartMapReferences for Belongings for BMP.
CustomerSmartBMP Implementation of SmartBMP interface for bean Customer.
CustomerValue Stores the information required to do business with a customer.
ShippingAddressCRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping

Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.customer Description

The Customer package contains classes that are necessary to keeps track of individual that buy items.

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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