© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class OrderAdjustmentPresentation

  extended bycom.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.service.DiscountPresentation
      extended bycom.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.order.OrderAdjustmentPresentation
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class OrderAdjustmentPresentation
extends DiscountPresentation
implements Serializable

This class is used to store presentation information related to an Order or an OrderLine adjustment computation. It is used by JSPs to show the consumer why they are receiving a adjustment and how the prices are computed.

A List of OrderAdjustmentPresentation's is associated with the overall Order and each of its OrderLine.

See Also:
DiscountPresentation, OrderValue, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
OrderAdjustmentPresentation(double quantity, Money unitPrice, Money discount, String computation, String reason, long discountId, String adjustmentType)
          This constructor calls its super-class constructor and sets the discountId and adjustment type data members.
Method Summary
 Object clone()
          The clone method creates a new OrderAdjustmentPresentation object and call its contructor.
 String getAdjustmentType()
 long getDiscountId()
 void setAdjustmentType(String adjustmentType)
          Sets the presentation string associated with the adjustmentType of the discount, e.g. "10% off", "$5 off"
 void setDiscountId(long discountId)
          Sets the discountId over which the discount is applied for this line.
 String toString()
          A debug statement for now.
Methods inherited from class com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.service.DiscountPresentation
getComputation, getDiscount, getQuantity, getReason, getShortText, getUnitPrice, set, setComputation, setDiscount, setQuantity, setReason, setUnitPrice
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public OrderAdjustmentPresentation(double quantity,
                                   Money unitPrice,
                                   Money discount,
                                   String computation,
                                   String reason,
                                   long discountId,
                                   String adjustmentType)
This constructor calls its super-class constructor and sets the discountId and adjustment type data members.

Method Detail


public Object clone()
The clone method creates a new OrderAdjustmentPresentation object and call its contructor.


public String getAdjustmentType()
the String associated with the adjusment type


public long getDiscountId()
the discountId which refers to the applied discount


public void setAdjustmentType(String adjustmentType)
Sets the presentation string associated with the adjustmentType of the discount, e.g. "10% off", "$5 off"


public void setDiscountId(long discountId)
Sets the discountId over which the discount is applied for this line.


public String toString()
A debug statement for now.

toString in class DiscountPresentation

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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