© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface ScrollableModelPageRetriever

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ScrollableModelPageRetriever

This file contains an interface for any scrollable model page retriever, an object that gets values (hopefully value objects) based on a set of primary keys.
Used in conjunction with ScrollableModel's, the two interfaces help manage requests for particular objects while keeping memory and db requests low, as in MMU systems.

Method Summary
 Object[] getValues(Object[] primaryKeys)
          Gets a set of value objects based on a set of primary keys for those objects

Method Detail


public Object[] getValues(Object[] primaryKeys)
                   throws RemoteException
Gets a set of value objects based on a set of primary keys for those objects

an array of value objects, one per pk

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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