© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface SmartCollectionReference

All Known Implementing Classes:
com.beasys.commerce.foundation.plugin.bmp.BMPBelongingSmartCollectionReference, PersistenceHelper.DefaultSmartCollectionReference

public interface SmartCollectionReference

An interface for classes that wrap a collection, and handle intelligent persistence of the Collection's contents; i.e., only making database calls when necessary rather than updating the entire collection when only a subset of it has changed, etc.

Method Summary
 Iterator cursor()
          Get an iterator over the collection's contents
 Collection getCollection()
          Get the entire collection
 void setCollection(Collection collection)
          Set the entire collection

Method Detail


public Iterator cursor()
Get an iterator over the collection's contents

an iterator over the collection's contents


public Collection getCollection()
Get the entire collection

the wrapped Collection


public void setCollection(Collection collection)
Set the entire collection

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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