Change the Status of a Content Item

The status of a content item determines which version of that item is available for use, as well as which user group has access to it. As a content item moves through the content lifecycle, it becomes assigned, published and retired, or ready for approval. The status of a content item also determines which delegated administration groups can modify the content item.

You must first check out a content item before you can change its status (or modify the item).

To change the status of a content item:

  1. Either from the Content Workspace or the Content Repository, select the content item you wish to change.
  2. In the View Content area, select Check Out.
  3. Optionally, make any changes to the content such as updating the associated file, etc.
  4. Select Save and Check In to view the Check In dialog box.
  5. In the Check In dialog box, select the new status from the drop-down list.
  6. Click Check In.

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