Set Visitor Entitlements on Portal Resources

Visitor Entitlements govern visitor access to portal resources based upon a visitor's role or roles. Visitor Entitlement roles can be defined by user, group, and/or a rich set of other predicates, including date/time, user profile, and session and request properties.

Entitlements set on the portal resource listed in the Portal Library supercede those set on the resource type. If you create a portal resource that is not listed in the library, set on the "instance" in the desktop supercede those set in the libary.

Before you can assign Visitor Entitlements on portal resources, you must make sure the entitlement role exists and has rights assigned to it. If no role exists, you must create it, then you can add users and portal resources to it. For detailed information about setting up administrators, see How Do I Entitle Users to See Specific Parts of My Portal?

You can set Visitor Entitlements on the following portal resources:

To set Visitor Entitlements on portal resources:

When setting Visitor Entitlements on portal resources, be aware of the difference between setting them on resources in portal Library versus in the Portals area. The Library contains the master versions of portal resources. The Portals area contains copies of the master versions. When you set a Visitor Entitlement on a resource in the Library, that entitlement applies to that resource wherever it appears in the Portals area. That means entitled users will be able to view that resource wherever it appears in the desktop areas they can access. When you set a Visitor Entitlement on a resource in the Portals area, that entitlement applies to only that copy of the resource.

  1. In the Portals tool resource tree, select the portal resource for which you want to set Visitor Entitlements.
  2. Select the Entitlements tab.
  3. From the drop-down menu, choose a role, and click Add Role.
    You can select domain-level global roles (defined in the WebLogic Server Administration Console) or portal Web application-level Visitor Entitlement roles.
  4. Click the appropriate check boxes in the Capabilities pane, in particular the View capability.
    To remove a role from the list click its check box and click Remove Selected Roles.
  5. Click Save.

    Note: If you are using an external role mapper in addition to the DefaultRoleMapper, you can also choose roles from that role mapper. If you see an option for selecting that role mapper, but you do not see its roles listed, you can select the role mapper and enter the name of a known role in the text box. See View Security Provider Properties for more information.

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