Overview of Visitor Entitlements

Visitor Entitlements are a mechanism for determining who may access the resources in a portal application and what they may do with those resources. This access is based on the role that a visitor to an application is in, allowing for flexible management of the resources. For example, if you have an Employee Review portlet, you can assign the "Managers" Visitor Entitlement role you created to that portlet, letting only logged in users who belong in that role view the portlet.

A user visiting an application is assigned a role based on an expression that can include their name, the group that they are in, the time of day, or characteristics from their profile. For example, the "gold member" role could be assigned to a user because they are part of the frequent flyer program and have flown more than 50,000 miles in the previous year. This role is dynamically assigned to the user when they log into the site.

You can set Visitor Entitlements for a resource by adding one or more roles and set the capabilities for those roles. The resources that can be entitled within a portal application include desktops, books, pages, look and feels, and portlets. Each of these has capabilities that are based on the type of resource, as in the following table:

  View Minimize Maximize Edit Remove
Desktop X        
Book X X X    
Page X        
Look & Feel X        
Portlet X X X X X

View: The "View" capability will determine whether or not the user will be able to see the resource.

Minimize/Maximize: The "Minimize" and "Maximize" capabilities determine whether or not the user is able to minimize or maximize the portlet or book. Note that this applies to books within a page, not to the primary book.

Edit: The "Edit" capability determines whether or not the user is able to edit the resources's properties.

Remove: The "Remove" capability determines whether or not the user is able to remove the portlet from a page.

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