Configure a Document Manager Service

The DocumentManager implementation uses DocumentManager MBeans to maintain its configuration. A deployed DocumentManager finds which DocumentManager MBean to use from the DocumentManagerMBeanName EJB deployment descriptor setting. You will need to configure the DocumentManager MBeans in the application so that their values correspond to the Name attributes in the DocumentManagerMBeanName EJB deployment descriptor.

To configure a Document Manager Service:

  1. In the Application Configuration Settings Resource tree, select Document Manager -> specific service you want to configure.

    Note: If the specific document service does not appear in the Resource tree to the left, click Add/Remove Configurable Item in the Resource tree to see if it has been been created. If it appears in the Configurable Items list, follow the instructions Add or Remove a Configurable Item to add it to the Resource Tree, and restart this process with step 1. If it has not been created, follow the instructions to Create a New Document Manager Service, and restart this process at step 1.

  2. Fill in the fields to configure the document manager service. For detailed descriptions of the configuration setting fields, see Document Manager Service Configuration Parameters.
  3. Click Update.

A message at the bottom of the window indicates that your changes have been applied.

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