Create a Group

A group is simply a collection of users. When you first create a group, you create an empty group to which you can add an infinite number of users. You can then classify the users in the group by mapping the group to an entitlement role or a content segment.

You can also create groups inside of groups, thus creating sub-groups that inherit properties from the parent group. For more information about group hierarchy, see the Overview of Group Hierarchy.

Users can be members of more than one group.

Note: If you are using an external authentication provider to store users and groups (one that is not the default LDAP provider built in to WebLogic Server), and you want to add a group to that provider, the provider may be configured to prevent group creation from an outside tool such as the WebLogic Administration Portal. To see whether or not the external authentication provider you are using supports group creation, see View Security Provider Properties. If the Group Editor field for the authentication provider shows "No," you cannot create a group for that provider with the WebLogic Administration Portal. You must create the group directly in that provider.

To Create a Group:

  1. In the Users & Groups tool, select an authentication provider from the "Browse User-Groups from" field.
  2. In the resource tree, select "everyone (All Users)" to create a top-level group, or select a group for which you want to create a sub-group. (If you do not see a list of groups, see the Notes below.)
  3. Right-click your selection and select Create Group. (Or click Create Group in the toolbar.)
  4. In the dialog box that appears, enter the group name and click OK.

Notes: If a list of groups is not displayed, make sure you have built a group hierarchy tree for the authentication provider. If after that you still do not see a list of groups, the authentication provider probably does not allow read access (see View Security Provider Properties to find out). However, you can activate a text field for group name entry for authentication providers that do not allow read access.

If you are using an RDBMS authentication provider, be aware of case sensitivity when looking up groups. For example, group "Managers" is different than group "managers.

You can also create groups in the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

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