Add a User to a Group

You can set up logical groupings of similar users for ease of management and for use in defining Delegated Administration or Visitor Entitlement roles.

After being added to a group, a user will inherit any Delegated Administration or Visitor Entitlement rights that the group already has.

If an authentication provider does not allow write access to users and groups, you will not be able to add users to groups with the WebLogic Administration Portal. You must add users to groups in the authentication provider directly.

You can add a user to one or more groups in two different ways:

To add user(s) to a single group:

  1. In the Users & Groups tool, select an authentication provider from the "Browse User-Groups from" field.
  2. In the Users & Groups resource tree, select the group to which you want to add the user.
  3. Select the Add Users tab.
  4. Find the user(s) you want to add to the group.
  5. Click the check box next to each user you want to add, and click Select Users. Selected users now appear in the Add list.
  6. Click the Add User(s) to Group button.

To add a user to multiple groups:

  1. In the Users & Groups tool, select an authentication provider from the "Browse User-Groups from" field.
  2. Find and select the user you want to add.
  3. In the user editor, click the Edit Group Memberships tab.
    The "User is a member of Groups" list shows the groups to which the user belongs.
  4. Click Add User to More Groups.
  5. In the User Group Resource tree, click the arrow icon to the right of the appropriate groups. The groups you choose appear in the "Selected Groups" list.
    To remove a group from that list, select the group and click Remove from List.
  6. Click Add User to Group(s).

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