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Bulkloader Guide

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Using the Bulkloader

The BulkLoader is a command-line application that is capable of loading content and metadata into a configured virtual content repository. The BulkLoader scans the user defined file system hierarchy and loads all of the folders and files, along with their defined metadata into the specified repository. The BulkLoader supports all content types, such as HTML, .jpg, or .gif.

Note: You cannot use the BulkLoader to load content into a BEA repository if library services have been enabled for that repository.

This document contains information on the following subjects:


How the Bulkloader Finds Files

The following sequence describes how the BulkLoader locates files:

  1. The BulkLoader starts by looking at the list of files and folders specified from the command line.
  2. If no files or folder are specified, it uses only the content root specified by the -d option. It then loops over the list of files and folders.
  3. If it finds a folder and +recurse is specified, then it stops.
  4. If it finds a folder and recursion is turned on (the default or with -recurse), then the BulkLoader loops over the files and folders contained within that folder.

Note: If the file or folder is not an absolute path, then it is assumed to be relative to the content root specified by the -d option.

  1. To determine if the BulkLoader should process a file or folder, it checks to see if the file is marked as a hidden file.

Note: If it is a hidden file (or folder) and the +hidden option was not specified, then the file or folder is ignored.

  1. If the file or folder does not exist or is not readable by the user executing the BulkLoader, a warning is displayed and the file or folder is ignored.
  2. If a folder is found then it is loaded as a hierarchy node into the virtual repository.
  3. If a file is found then it is loaded as a content node into the virtual repository. The content node will be created with the node type specified in the The primary property for the node type is where the file will be loaded to, so it must be a binary property.
  4. If the loaded object is a folder and recursion is enabled, then the files and folders under the folder are retrieved by filtering against the -match and -ignore options.

Note: The -match and -ignore options only apply to files and folders not listed on the command line; in other words, they apply only to those found by recursing into a folder. The patterns specified with the -match and -ignore options (and the -htmlPat options, for that matter) should be DOS-style patterns: '*' matches any set of characters, '?' matches any one character. Sets of characters (for example, [aceg]) are not supported.

Note: Files with an extension matching the extension specified by -mdext ( by default) are always ignored.


How the Bulkloader Finds Metadata Files

  1. As the BulkLoader finds files and folders, it attempts to load metadata property files. Whenever the BulkLoader encounters a folder to process, it looks for a file called dir.<mdext> where <mdext> is the extension specified by the -mdext option. The default filename it looks for is If this file exists and is readable by the user, the BulkLoader loads it as a Java-style properties file of name=value properties. If the folder is actually a subfolder entered because +recurse was not specified and the +inheritProps option is not specified, then the properties from is added to the properties from the parent folders. All files in the folder and all files in any subfolder gain these metadata properties.
  2. When the BulkLoader finds a file which is to be included and loaded, it looks for a file whose name is the original filename appended with the -mdext extension. So, for example, if the file is called image.gif, the BulkLoader looks for a file called In order to load a file as a content node, the nodeType must be specified in the metadata. This may either be inherited from the folder, or specified in the file The file along with the metadata to create must adhere to the rules defined in the specified nodeType. For example, if the node type specifies that a property named "author" is required, then there must be a metadata property named author with a value.
  3. Next, if the file is an HTML file and the +metaparse option was not specified, then the BulkLoader parses the HTML, looking for <meta> tags and <title> tags. The BulkLoader determines if a file is an HTML file by using the filename patterns specified by the -htmlPat options. If no -htmlPat patterns are specified, then *.htm and *.html are used. The BulkLoader loads into the file's properties any <meta> tags that contain name and content values found anywhere in the file (not just in the HTML head section). Additionally, it pulls the title from the <title></title> and set it as "title".
  4. Finally, the BulkLoader passes the file to the loadProperties method of each registered LoaderFilter (the -filter option). The LoaderFilter may assign additional metadata to the file. When the BulkLoader starts up, it looks for a content\com\bea\content\loader\bulk file in the classpath. From that, it looks for a loader.defFilters property. This is the colon-separated list of LoaderFilter class names the BulkLoader should always load. Unless that file is modified, the BulkLoader will load an ImageLoaderFilter, which will pull the width and height from *.gif, *.jpg, *.png, and *.xbm image files.

In summary, the BulkLoader gathers metadata for a document from the following sources (in this order):


Loading Content with the BulkLoader

To load content with the Bulkloader:

  1. Make sure you have configured a repository and have created the appropriate types.
  2. Content Types define the available values for a given property, including whether it can contain multiple values. When you create a content type, you are creating a corresponding file for that piece of content.

    For example, If you create a content type for a specific piece of content, such as logo.gif, your metadata file is if you create metadata for a directory that contains several content files, your metadata file is The file defines properties that can be inherited by children but can be overridden by files for specific content.

    In a later step, you will configure the individual properties (metadata) for your content types.

    For more information about configuring a repository and creating content types, see the documentation for the Administration Portal.

  3. Create a directory in your file system to store your loaded content.

Note: This directory should eventually contain only the content you want loaded because in a later step, you will point the Bulkloader to this directory, and it will load everything in it.

  1. Add content to the directory you created in Step 2. You can load only one binary property per node, and it must be defined as the primary property. For example:

  3. Map groups of content to Content types. (Create Metadata)
  4. When you create the metadata you are mapping the properties of your content to the content type you created.

To create metadata manually:

  1. Create the BulkLoader Script.
    1. In your WebLogic Platform 8.1 build directory, navigate to Weblogic81b/portal/bin, and open load_cm_data.cmd.

Listing 1 Bulkloader Script

REM #########################################################################
REM # (c) BEA SYSTEMS INC. All rights reserved
REM ##########################################################################
SET PLATFORM_HOME=C:\bea\weblogic81
CALL %PLATFORM_HOME%\common\bin\commEnv.cmd
@rem **************************************************************************
@rem Set any additional CLASSPATH information below
@rem **************************************************************************
REM Set some defaults
if "%CM_DATA%"=="" set CM_DATA=..\db\data\sample\cm_data
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath %CLASSPATH% com.bea.content.loader.bulk.BulkLoader -verbose -repository "BEA Repository" -application portalApp -d %CM_DATA% Ads%*
    1. Ensure that the Platform Home points to your WebLogic Server installation location.


    where @PLATFORM_HOME is the location of your WebLogic Server installation.

    1. Point the Bulkloader to the directory you created in Step 2 and the metadata you created in Step 4.
    2. Provide specific values for the following required items in the Bulkloader script:
    3. Parameter in the Bulkloader Script


      -repository <repository name>

      The name of the repository to run the loader against.

      -application <app name>

      The name of the application to run the loader against.

      -url <wls url>

      The WebLogic Server instance host where the content manager is running.

      -user <principal username>

      The username for the principal permitted to access the Loader EJB resource.

      -password <principal password>

      The password for the principal permitted to access the LoaderEJB resource.

      -d <dir>

      Specifies the baseDirectory to which non-absolute paths will be relative.

    4. (Optional) Update the bulkloader scripts with any of the following paramemters:

      Parameter in the Bulkloader Script



      Recurse into directories [default].


      Don't recurse into directories.


      Parse HTML files for META tags [default].


      Don't parse HTML files for META tags.


      Specify to ignore hidden files and directories [default].


      Specify to include hidden files and directories.


      Specify to have metadata properties be inherited when recursing [default].


      Specify to have metadata properties not be inherited when recursing.


      Ignore any errors while loading a document (errors will still be reported)


      Stop processing on any error [default].

      -htmlPat <pattern>

      Specifies a pattern for determining which files are HTML files for determining whether to do the META tag parse. This can be specified multiple times. If none are specific, `*htm' and `*.html' are used.

      -encoding <encoding>

      Specifies the file encoding to use. See your JDK documentation for the valid encoding names. Defaults to the system's default file encoding.

      -match <pattern>

      Specifies a file pattern the BulkLoader should include. This can be specified multiple times. If non are specified, all files and directories are included.

      -ignore <pattern>

      Specifies a file pattern the BulkLoader should not include. This can be specified multiple times.

      -mdext <ext>

      Specifies the file name extension for metadata property files. The value should start with a ".". This defaults to

      -filter <filter class>

      Specifies the class name of a LoaderFilter to run files through. This can be specified multiple times to add to the list of LoaderFilters.


      Clears the current list of LoaderFilters (including the default filters.)


      Everything after this is considered a file or directory.

  1. Save your changes to the Bulkloader script.
  2. Run the script by double clicking it in your file system. Your content will be loaded.


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