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MobileAware Interaction Server Administration Guide

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Appendix B - web.xml Sample File

The web.xml file is found in the /WEB-INF directory of each web application folder.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE web-app

PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"



Standard web deployment descriptor.



<display-name>System Test Filter</display-name>

<description>System Test Filter</description>

User-configured filter-name, display-name and description for the instance of the filter.


The filter-class must be configured as shown.





(Optional) propertiesname. Defaults to "/". Defines where the MobileAware Interaction Server will look for properties in the classpath of the webapp.






(Optional) namespace. Defaults to "com.mobileaware.mcp". This is pre-pended to all session variables and servlet context variables used by the MobileAware Interaction Server in the webapp.





Name of filter as specified above.

Path of request to be handled by the filter.







Configuration for diagnostic servlet.







Configuration for the Administration Console servlet.





Diagnostics mapping, to be used from TextUI and DiagnosticsConsole.





Alternative version of Diagnostics mapping, protected by Application Server security.





Administration Console mapping. To be used from the Administration Console.














<description>SSL not required</description>








Example of a Security constraint used with Diagnostics



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