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MobileAware Interaction Server User Guide

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Appendix A - Mobility Tag Reference


meta, mm:meta


This tag is placed inside the document's <head> element. It has two MobileAware Interaction Server -specific uses:

It can be used to create a shortcut link on the Options menu of WML devices that support such a menu. This can provide a handy way for users to navigate around pages of a site.

It can be used with <mm:cdata> (or <![CDATA[...]> in mmXHTML) to set page-wide 'wrap' or 'unwrap' directives.

This is an empty tag, so it requires a slash (/) before the final angle bracket (>).

USAGE A: To create a link on an Options menu



<!—This will create a link with the title "Go Home" on the Options menu of some phones.. -->

<meta name="Go Home" content="/some/url.htm" scheme="mmsection"/>




<%-- The meta tag settings cause the first CDATA block to be unwrapped, but the second one will not be unwrapped because the unwrap="false" in the CDATA element overrides the meta tag instruction.--%>
<mm:meta name="MIS-CDATA-Control" content="Unwrap"/>
<mm:cdata>This content will not be parsed by the MobileAware Interaction Server parser, but will be unwrapped and delivered to the requesting browser for processing. Because the CDATA element has no unwrap attribute set, it looks for the value of the content attribute of the meta element if there is one.</mm:cdata>
 <mm:cdata unwrap="false">This content will not be parsed by the MobileAware Interaction Server parser, and will not be processed by the requesting browser either. The CDATA's unwrap attribute overrides the content attribute of the meta tag.</mm:cdata>


<%-- This demonstrates the mmXHTML equivalent of the example above.--%>
   <meta name="MIS-CDATA-Control" content="Unwrap"/>
<![CDATA[This content will not be parsed by the MobileAware Interaction Server parser, but will be unwrapped and delivered to the requesting browser for processing. Because the CDATA element has no unwrap attribute set, it looks for the value of the content attribute of the meta element.]]>
<![CDATA[#NOUNWRAP# This content will not be parsed by the MobileAware Interaction Server parser, and will not be processed by the requesting browser either. The CDATA's unwrap attribute overrides the content attribute of the meta tag.]]>



mm-body, mm:body


Acts as a container for the content within an <mm-group> element.



The <mm-group> element is used to organize your content into logical sections.


<!— This example illustrates multiple (2) mm-body elements -->
<mm-group id="introduction" title="Introduction">
   <mm-head id="hd_introduction">Introduction </mm-head>
   <!-- Note the body is linked to the heading -->
   <mm-body id="bd_1" idref="hd_introduction">
      <p>This is paragraph 1</p>
   <!-- Note the next paragraph will only be included on full browser devices -->
   <p>This is paragraph 2</p>
   <!-- Note the body is linked to the previous body -->
   <mm-body id="bd_2" idref="bd_1">
       <p>This is paragraph 3</p>



<![CDATA[...]]> / mm:cdata


To protect content from being analysed/transformed by the MobileAware Interaction Server, it can be wrapped in <![CDATA[]]> elements. By placing the meta tag <meta/> in the head section of the content, the enclosing CDATA tags will be removed when the content is delivered to the device. For JSP, use <mm:meta/> and <mm:cdata> as illustrated in "<mm:cdata> USAGE."


There may be circumstances when you might wish to deliver a portion of web page content that has not been subject to the MobileAware Interaction Server transformation. In mmXHTML files, the <![CDATA[]]> tag can be used in conjunction with the <meta/> tag to protect such content from being analysed or transformed by the MobileAware Interaction Server, and yet still have this content delivered to the device.

By extending the capabilities of the <![CDATA[]]> tag to include unwrapping functionality, the MobileAware Interaction Server will ignore the content during processing, but remove the enclosing <![CDATA[]]> tag when delivering it to the device.

To cause your <![CDATA[]]> tag to be unwrapped, specify it as follows:


If you have many <![CDATA[]]> tags in a page which you wish to have unwrapped, then you can specify a <meta/> tag as follows:

<meta name="MIS-CDATA-Control" content="Unwrap" />

which will cause each <![CDATA[]]> tag on the page to be treated as if #UNWRAP# were present. You may override this behavior for individual <![CDATA[]]> tags by specifying that they are not unwrapped, as follows:


<mm:cdata> USAGE

<mm:cdata> and <mm:meta> work together in the same way as <![CDATA[...]]> works with <meta>. In this case however, #UNWRAP# and #NOUNWRAP# are replaced by the unwrap attribute on the <mm:cdata> tag.



mm-exclude, mm:exclude


Acts as a container for elements to be excluded when specific devices are targeted.



<!-- The following example illustrates how an address line is excluded for a group of devices. -->
<mm-group id="company_details">
   <mm-head id="hd_company_details">Company Details</mm-head>
   <mm-body id="bd_company_details" idref="hd_company_details">
      <p>ABC Company Ltd.</p>
      <mm-exclude where="DeviceName.find('Ericsson')> 0">
         <p>North Business Park, Circular Road,Dublin,Ireland </p>
      </mm-exclude >
      <p>Phone: 888-000-111</p>
      <p>Fax: 000-888-111</p>



mm-group-ref, mm:group-ref


Used to reference an existing mm-group element. The content of the group can be displayed in full or as a hierarchical set of headings that the user can use to navigate to the appropriate section. The navigation hierarchy is typically used for menu-driven devices and PDAs. This is an empty tag, so it requires a slash (/) before the final angle bracket (>).




mm-head, mm:head


The text inside the <mm:head> element can be used as a menu link or a page title on menu-driven devices and PDAs. Smaller screen devices often split content into multiple pages to accommodate memory and bandwidth restrictions. The heading is sometimes needed to give context to the piece of content that is being displayed. A maximum of one <mm:head> per group is permitted.



<!-- This example illustrates the use of the mm-group, mm-head and mm-body elements -->
<mm-group id="gp_company_details">
  <mm-head id="hd_company_details">
       Company Details
   <mm-body id="bd_company_details" idref="hd_company_details">
      <p>ABC Company Ltd.</p>



mm-id-ref, mm:id-ref


This element causes the MobileAware Interaction Server to place an instance of the referenced content at the point of insertion. This element is used in layout files. This is an empty tag, so it requires a slash (/) before the final angle bracket (>).



<%-- This is a part of a layout file that is using PDA pagination to create a navigation menu for PDAs. The mm:id-refs are being used to create a persistent header and footer content which appears on all pages. They refer to predefined groups of content whose id attribute values are 'header' and 'footer'.--%>
<mm:id-ref idref="header" /> 
<mm:structure id="str2" where="IsPDA">
   <mm:group-ref idref="groupA" depth="0" display="headings" type="normal" /> 
   <mm:group-ref idref="groupB" depth="0" display="headings" type="normal" />
   <mm:group-ref idref="groupC" depth="0" display="headings" type="normal" />
   <mm:group-ref idref="groupD" depth="0" display="headings" type="normal" />
<mm:id-ref idref="footer" />



mm-img, mm:img


Used to deliver the correct image based on the capabilities of the target device. Typically, multiple images will be placed inside a media-group element so that different image formats are available to be delivered depending on the requesting device type. The first image matching the criteria of this tag's where attribute is delivered; all others are ignored. Attribute of the XHTML <img> tag can also be used with this tag. This is an empty tag, so it requires a slash (/) before the final angle bracket (>).



<!—The MobileAware Interaction Server will select an image depending on the graphic support of the requesting device. If the device matches more than one where clause, it will receive the image from the first one that it matches. If no match occurs, the text from the media-group's alt attribute will be sent to the device.-->
<mm-media-group alt="No image provided">
   <mm-img where="ImgJpgProgressiveSupported" height="80" width="60" alt="Gold" 
src="img/gold.jpg" />
   <mm-img where="ImgGIFSupported" height="40" width="30" alt="Gold" 
src="img/gold.jpg" />
   <mm-img where="ImgWBMPSupported" height="16" width="12" alt="Gold" src=" 
img/gold.wbmp" />



mm-include, mm:include


Acts as a container for elements that are to be included when a specific device class is targeted.



<!-- This example illustrates how to insert a line break into an address when certain devices are targeted. -->
<mm-body id="bd_company_details" idref="hd_company_details">
   <p>ABC Company Ltd.</p>
   <p>North Business Park,  
   <mm-include where="DeviceName.startswith('Nokia')"><br /></mm-include>
      Circular Road, 
   <mm-include where="DeviceName.startswith('Nokia')"><br /></mm-include>
   <mm-include where="DeviceName.startswith('Nokia')"><br /></mm-include>
   <p>Phone: 888-000-111</p>
   <p>Fax: 000-888-111</p>



mm-layout, mm:layout


Used to specify which layout files should be applied to a request page. Layout files are essentially XHTML or JSP files that contain a description of how output content is best arranged for a specific device or for certain classes of devices. This tag is placed inside the <head> element. It is an empty tag, so it requires a slash (/) before the final angle bracket (>).


<!-- The following example targets a distinct type of device with a specific layout. -->
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<title>Example Heading</title>
<mm-layout where="IsPortraitPDA" src="layout_1.htm" />
<mm-group id="text1">
<p> When this page is delivered to a portrait PDA, it will be formatted
according to the style set out in the file layout_1.htm.</p>



mm-li, mm:li


This tag defines a list item in a navigation list. It must be contained by <mm:nl> tags. It allows authors to create and style navigation lists that can specifically target mobile devices.



<!-- This example creates a styled navigation list with 4 elements.-->
<div style="border: 1px solid">
   <mm:nl navstyle="nav-format: list; nav-list-item-display: block">
      <mm:li navstyle="nav-image: url(dog.gif)" href="dogs.htm>Dogs</mm:li>
      <mm:li navstyle="nav-image: url(fish.gif)" href="fish.htm">Fish</mm:li>
      <mm:li navstyle="nav-image: url(cat.gif)" href="cat.htm">Cats</mm:li>
      <mm:li navstyle="nav-image: url(fish.gif)" href="fish.htm">Fish</mm:li>



mm-logo, mm:logo


Used to specify a logo image for WML devices. Logos typically appear for a user-specified interval before disappearing and being replaced by the main content.



<!-- The following code snippet causes a company logo to appear for 2 seconds before being replaced by the main content when the page is delivered to a WML device. For each user session, this logo will appear only the first time the user visits the page. -->
<mm-logo id="logo" displaymode="once" period="2">
   <img src="/companylogo.gif" alt="MobileAware" />


<!-- Images can be placed inside a media-group using the <mm-img> tag, so that the best image is delivered to the requesting device.-->
<mm-logo id="logo" displaymode="once" period="2">
   <mm-media-group alt="Logo Image">
      <mm-img where="ImgGIFSupported" src="/companylogo.gif" alt="MobileAware" />
      <mm-img where="ImgWBMPSupported" src="/companylogo.wbmp" alt="MobileAware" />



mm-media-group, mm:media-group


Contains the <mm:img> elements that specify alternative media to deliver when a specific device is targeted. The MobileAware Interaction Server will select an image from a media-group depending on the graphic support of the requesting device. If the device matches more than one where clause, it will receive the image from the first one that it matches. If no match occurs, the text from the media-group's alt attribute will be sent to the device.



<!-- This example shows a partial layout file which contains two media-groups used for styling navigation menus with images. The group-ref tags in the structure identify the desired image to appear with the menu link by referring to the media-group's id. To ensure that the image does not appear anywhere in the delivered content except in the navigation, the media-group's style attribute is set to "display:none".-->
<mm:media-group id="car" style="display:none" alt="*">
<mm:img where="ImgGIFSupported" src="img/car.gif" alt="*"/>
<mm:img where="ImgWBMPSupported" src="img/car.wbmp" alt="*"/>
<mm:media-group id="boat" style="display:none" alt="*">
<mm:img where="ImgGIFSupported" src="img/boat.gif" alt="*"/>
<mm:img where="ImgWBMPSupported" src="img/boat.wbmp" alt="*"/>
<mm:structure id="pagination_str" where="IsPDA">
<mm:group-ref idref="groupA" depth="0" display="headings" type="normal"
<mm:group-ref idref="groupB" depth="0" display="headings" type="normal"
< /body>



mm-nl, mm:nl


This tag name comes from the words "navigation list". It allows authors to create and style navigation lists that can specifically target mobile devices.



<!-- This example creates a styled navigation list with 4 elements.-->
<div style="border: 1px solid">
   <mm:nl navstyle="nav-format: list; nav-list-item-display: block">
      <mm:li navstyle="nav-image: url(dog.gif)" href="dogs.htm">Dogs</mm:li>
      <mm:li navstyle="nav-image: url(fish.gif)" href="fish.htm">Fish</mm:li>
      <mm:li navstyle="nav-image: url(cat.gif)" href="cat.htm">Cats</mm:li>
      <mm:li navstyle="nav-image: url(fish.gif)" href="fish.htm">Fish</mm:li>





This is a required tag for content that uses the MobileAware Interaction Server JSP taglib. The <mm:page> tag wraps the page content. Setting attributes in this tag can enhance the performance of JSP page processing by allowing the author the choice of bypassing the MobileAware Interaction Server transformation engine and/or of turning off the mixed-mode tag checking feature.



<!— The MobileAware Interaction Server will not check this file for mixed tags. -->
<%@ taglib uri="mmJSPtaglib" prefix="mm" %>
<mm:page content="false">
   <title>Skip Tag Check</title>
   <p>This page has MobileAware Interaction Server JSP tags exclusively. Tag 
checking can be turned off.</p>


mm-phone-number, mm:phone-number


Used to include a dialable phone number link in content delivered to WTAI enabled devices.



<!--This example will create a link that, when clicked, will dial +35312410500. If the phone is an iMode device, it will use the value of the cti attribute. After dialing the number, once the receiving end has picked up, it will pause for 2 seconds before dialing the extension 538#. --> 
<mm:phone-number num="+ 35312410500" cti="+35312410500/,,538#"> 
     Call Julia.


mm-structure, mm:structure


Used to determine which groups are to be delivered to menu-driven devices or to create navigation menus for PDAs. The <mm:structure> element contains <mm:group-ref> elements which refer to the groups of content that you want delivered. Typically, this element is placed in a layout file.



<!--  Groups referenced from within this mm-structure element will be displayed on menu-driven browsers. -->
<mm-structure id="structure_1" where="IsMenuDriven">
   <mm-group-ref idref="group_1" type="normal" depth="flat" display="all" />
   <mm-group-ref idref="group_2" type="normal" depth="0" display="headings" />



mm-table-model, mm:table-model


Use the <mm:table-model> element to enable the MobileAware Interaction Server to transform tables for small devices. Table information can be presented differently depending on the capabilities of the requesting device. Data can be 'flattened' for devices that do not support tables, or for devices that have screen widths that would cause the data to wrap excessively. Multiple table-models can be used to tailor the data presentation to the capabilities of the requesting device. If the device matches more than one table-model where clause, the first one that matches will be used to structure the table. The table-model tag should be placed directly below the XHTML <table> tag. If there are nested tables, a separate table-model tag is required for each nested table. This is an empty tag, so it requires a slash (/) before the final angle bracket (>).



<!-- Two table-model tags have been placed inside the XHTML table in the example. The first one is responsible for transforming tables being delivered to devices that are both capable of rendering tables and have a screen width greater than or equal to 196 pixels. The second one is responsible for transforming tables being delivered to devices that either cannot render tables or have a screen width less than 196 pixels. -->
<table border="1">
   <mm:table-model headlocation="1" bodylocation="*" major="row" 
tabletype="normal" where="UAProf.BrowserUA.TablesCapable and
UsableWidthPixels >= 196" />
   <mm:table-model headlocation="1" bodylocation="*" major="row" 
sdtransform="base-transform" tabletype="normal" where="(not
UAProf.BrowserUA.TablesCapable) or (UAProf.BrowserUA.TablesCapable and
(UsableWidthPixels < 196))" />
       <td>Rock Climbing</td>


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