© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface CampaignInfo

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, Comparable, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface CampaignInfo
extends Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable

A data structure that contains the basic display information for a campaign.

Only the campaign's unique id, name, description, active flag, and shutdown flag are guaranteed to be set. The other fields might be set depending upon how the object was created

Method Summary
 Object clone()
          Get a clone of this.
 boolean getActiveFlag()
          Get the campaign's active state.
 String getDescription()
          Get the campaign's description.
 String getGoalDescription()
          Get the description of the campaign's goals.
 String getName()
          Get the campaign's name.
 String getSponsor()
          Get the sponsor of the campaign.
 Timestamp getStartDate()
          Get the campaign's start date.
 Timestamp getStopDate()
          Get the campaign's stop date.
 String getUniqueId()
          Get the campaign's unique id.
 String getValueProposition()
          Get the value proposition of the campaign.
 boolean isShutdown()
          Get the campaign's shutdown state.
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

Method Detail


public Object clone()
Get a clone of this.


public boolean getActiveFlag()
Get the campaign's active state.

This is a user-set flag controlling the active state of the campaign. This describes if the campaign should be active, if all other campaign active criteria are met (i.e. the start/stop date, the goals are not yet achieved).


public String getDescription()
Get the campaign's description.


public String getGoalDescription()
Get the description of the campaign's goals.


public String getName()
Get the campaign's name.


public String getSponsor()
Get the sponsor of the campaign.


public Timestamp getStartDate()
Get the campaign's start date.


public Timestamp getStopDate()
Get the campaign's stop date.


public String getUniqueId()
Get the campaign's unique id.

This should be unique amongst all campaigns.


public String getValueProposition()
Get the value proposition of the campaign.


public boolean isShutdown()
Get the campaign's shutdown state.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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