© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class DateWriter

  extended byjava.io.Writer
      extended byjava.io.PrintWriter
          extended bycom.bea.commerce.ebusiness.discount.util.DateWriter

public class DateWriter
extends PrintWriter

This class prepends printed strings with a timestamp. NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED!!! Currently only the println( String ), println( int) and println() methods have been implemented.

Field Summary
protected  String className
static String colon
static String space
Fields inherited from class java.io.PrintWriter
Fields inherited from class java.io.Writer
Constructor Summary
DateWriter(OutputStream out)
DateWriter(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush)
DateWriter(OutputStream out, SimpleDateFormat format)
DateWriter(OutputStream out, SimpleDateFormat format, boolean autoFlush)
DateWriter(Writer writer)
          Creates DateWriter without autoflushing that uses the default format provided by the default SimpleDateFormat constructor.
DateWriter(Writer writer, boolean autoFlush)
          Creates DateWriter without autoflushing that uses the default format provided by the default SimpleDateFormat constructor.
DateWriter(Writer writer, SimpleDateFormat format)
          Creates DateWriter without autoflushing, using the specified date format.
DateWriter(Writer writer, SimpleDateFormat format, boolean autoFlush)
          Creates DateWriter with autoflushing, using the specified date format.
Method Summary
 String currentTime()
 void print(int x)
          Print a string and a timestamp if following a println() call otherwise print the string only.
 void print(String s)
          Print a string and a timestamp if following a println() call otherwise print the string only.
 void println()
          print a new line and no timestamp.
 void println(int x)
          print a string prepended with a timestamp and a space, terminate with a newline.
 void println(String s)
          print a string prepended with a timestamp and a space, terminate with a newline.
Methods inherited from class java.io.PrintWriter
checkError, close, flush, print, print, print, print, print, print, print, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, setError, write, write, write, write, write
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected String className


public static final String colon
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String space
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DateWriter(OutputStream out)


public DateWriter(OutputStream out,
                  boolean autoFlush)


public DateWriter(OutputStream out,
                  SimpleDateFormat format)


public DateWriter(OutputStream out,
                  SimpleDateFormat format,
                  boolean autoFlush)


public DateWriter(Writer writer)
Creates DateWriter without autoflushing that uses the default format provided by the default SimpleDateFormat constructor.

See Also:


public DateWriter(Writer writer,
                  boolean autoFlush)
Creates DateWriter without autoflushing that uses the default format provided by the default SimpleDateFormat constructor.

See Also:


public DateWriter(Writer writer,
                  SimpleDateFormat format)
Creates DateWriter without autoflushing, using the specified date format.


public DateWriter(Writer writer,
                  SimpleDateFormat format,
                  boolean autoFlush)
Creates DateWriter with autoflushing, using the specified date format.

Method Detail


public String currentTime()
String the current time and thread name formatted for logging


public void print(int x)
Print a string and a timestamp if following a println() call otherwise print the string only. Other than the inclusion of a timestamp this method is identical to calling print( String ) of PrintWriter.


public void print(String s)
Print a string and a timestamp if following a println() call otherwise print the string only. Other than the inclusion of a timestamp this method is identical to calling print( String ) of PrintWriter.

s - The String to be printed


public void println()
print a new line and no timestamp.


public void println(int x)
print a string prepended with a timestamp and a space, terminate with a newline.


public void println(String s)
print a string prepended with a timestamp and a space, terminate with a newline.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Copyright © 2004 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved