© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class OrderAdjustment

  extended bycom.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.quote.Adjustment
      extended bycom.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.quote.OrderAdjustment
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class OrderAdjustment
extends Adjustment

An OrderAdjustment is used in conjunction with the Quote class to adjust the total price of the Quote.

See Also:
Adjustment, Quote, AdjustmentDetail, Money, AdjustmentType, Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.quote.Adjustment
details, isSet, type
Constructor Summary
protected OrderAdjustment()
  OrderAdjustment(Money aBasePrice, Quote parent)
          Constructs a new OrderAdjustment with the specified values.
Method Summary
protected  void addDetail(AdjustmentDetail aDetail)
          Adding a detail changes the adjustment type to match the detail.
protected  void computeAdjustmentAmount()
          Computes the amount of adjustment.
 Quote getParent()
          Returns the Quote that is the parent of this adjustment
protected  void init()
          allocate permanent objects, called by super constructor
protected  void reset()
          reset created values, called by super set()
protected  double roundBasePrice(double value)
          Provides a means to round the base price amount.
 void set(Money aBasePrice, Quote parent)
          Sets the adjusment object values, clearing any old values
protected  void setType(AdjustmentDetail aDetail)
          called by addDetail() in the super class to set the type of this adjustment.
 String toString()
          Provides a string representation of this object.
static String toString(List adjustments)
          Provides a string representation of a List of OrderAdjustments.
Methods inherited from class com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.quote.Adjustment
checkCurrency, checkCurrency, checkCurrency, getActualPrice, getAdjustmentAmount, getBasePrice, getCurrency, getDetails, getType, markModified, set, set, setActualPrice, setAdjustmentAmount
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected OrderAdjustment()


public OrderAdjustment(Money aBasePrice,
                       Quote parent)
Constructs a new OrderAdjustment with the specified values.

See Also:
Adjustment, Quote
Method Detail


protected void addDetail(AdjustmentDetail aDetail)
Description copied from class: Adjustment
Adding a detail changes the adjustment type to match the detail. Subclasses can override this behavior by modifying the setType() method.

addDetail in class Adjustment


protected void computeAdjustmentAmount()
Computes the amount of adjustment. Adjustment value is positive for an adjustment that lowers the price of the item, thus a positive value indicates a discount while a negative value indicates an additional charge. we override this method in order to round the value to two decimal places. This method is called by the superclass anytime the actual price changes.

computeAdjustmentAmount in class Adjustment


public final Quote getParent()
Returns the Quote that is the parent of this adjustment


protected void init()
allocate permanent objects, called by super constructor

init in class Adjustment


protected void reset()
reset created values, called by super set()

reset in class Adjustment


protected double roundBasePrice(double value)
Provides a means to round the base price amount. This method is called by the superclass prior to setting the base price.

roundBasePrice in class Adjustment
value - Money amount to be rounded


public void set(Money aBasePrice,
                Quote parent)
Sets the adjusment object values, clearing any old values


protected void setType(AdjustmentDetail aDetail)
called by addDetail() in the super class to set the type of this adjustment. For shipping discounts leave the type of the adjustment set to AdjustmentType.SHIPPING

setType in class Adjustment


public String toString()
Provides a string representation of this object. This method is intended for debugging and may change at any time.

toString in class Adjustment


public static String toString(List adjustments)
Provides a string representation of a List of OrderAdjustments. This method is intended for debugging and may change at any time.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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