© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.service

Interface Summary
PriceService A stateless session EJB used to price Line objects based on discounts represented by QualificationDiscountDef objects.
PriceServiceHome The home interface of the PriceService EJB.
PricingReply PricingReply is used to maintain the results of a PriceService pricing operation.
PricingRequest This class is used as input to the computeSubtotal() and computeTotal() operations of the PriceService.

Class Summary
DiscountPresentation This class is used to hold information corresponding to pricing adjustments to a Line item.
Line This class represents some quantity of a ProductItem.
PricingRequestImpl The PricingRequestImpl is used as input to the Price Service during a pricing operation.

Exception Summary
PriceEngineException A PriceEngineException indicates a failure of the price engine during a pricing operation.
PricingException A PricingException indicates a failure of the price service during a pricing operation.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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