© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.bea.netuix.application.manager

Interface Summary
IBookDefinitionManager This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on BookDefinitions.
IBookInstanceManager This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on BookInstance objects.
IDesktopDefinitionManager This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on DesktopDefinitions.
IDesktopInstanceManager This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on DesktopInstance objects.
ILayoutDefinitionManager This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on LayoutDefinitions.
ILookAndFeelDefinitionManager This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on LookAndFeelDefinitions.
IMarkupDefinitionManager This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on MarkupDefinitions.
IMenuDefinitionManager This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on MenuDefinitions.
IPageDefinitionManager This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on PageDefinitions.
IPageInstanceManager This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on PageDefinitions.
IPortalDefinitionManager Defines methods to manage a hierarchy of PortalDefinitions.
IPortalPresentationManager Provides a level of abstraction over the IDesktopDefinitionManager and the IPortalDefinitionManager.
IPortletCategoryManager Defines methods to manage a hierarchy of PortletDefinitions.
IPortletDefinitionManager This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on PortletDefinitions.
IPortletInstanceManager This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on PortletInstances.
IShellDefinitionManager This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on ShellDefinitions.
IThemeDefinitionManager This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on ThemeDefinitions.

Class Summary
CustomizationContext A client specific context containing customization properties the APIs use to personalize the request.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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