© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class XmlDisassemblerContext

  extended bycom.bea.netuix.application.transform.disassembler.XmlDisassemblerContext
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class XmlDisassemblerContext
extends Object

The XmlDisassemblerContext object represents contextual information needed by the disassembler, including the source of the xml document, entity and error handlers, and locale information. It is used in a read-only manner by the disassembler subsystem.

Constructor Summary
XmlDisassemblerContext(InputStream xmlIn)
Method Summary
abstract  DesktopDefinitionId getDesktopDefinitionId()
          Implementations of this method must return an appropriate id (as specified) for the portal document.
 Document getDocument()
          Parse the xml stream.
abstract  Locale getDocumentLocale()
          Implementations of this method are required to return the Locale for the document being processed.
 com.bea.p13n.util.DefaultEntityResolver getEntityResolver()
 com.bea.netuix.xml.util.NetuixXMLErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
 Namespace getNetuixNamespace()
abstract  String getWebAppName()
          This method retrieves the name of the current WebApp module for which the .portlet file is deployed.
protected  InputStream getXmlStream()
          This method should only be called if getDocument() is overridden.
protected  void inspectDocument(Document document)
          This method may be optionally overridden by subclasses in order to inspect the document immediately after processing.
protected  void invalidateXmlStream()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XmlDisassemblerContext(InputStream xmlIn)
Method Detail


public abstract DesktopDefinitionId getDesktopDefinitionId()
                                                    throws XmlDisassemblerException
Implementations of this method must return an appropriate id (as specified) for the portal document.

A populated, non-null DesktopDefinitionId instance capable of uniquely identifying the document
XmlDisassemblerException - Indicates a problem fetching the required id information


public Document getDocument()
                     throws XmlDisassemblerException
Parse the xml stream. The Document instance is stored locally, so you can later retrieve it by calling this same method. This method also instantiates the netuixNamespace member. The resultant XML document be schema-valid for the disassembler to work correctly.



public abstract Locale getDocumentLocale()
                                  throws XmlDisassemblerException
Implementations of this method are required to return the Locale for the document being processed.

A non-null Locale appropriate for the document being processed
XmlDisassemblerException - Indicates a problem fetching the required locale information


public com.bea.p13n.util.DefaultEntityResolver getEntityResolver()


public com.bea.netuix.xml.util.NetuixXMLErrorHandler getErrorHandler()


public Namespace getNetuixNamespace()


public abstract String getWebAppName()
This method retrieves the name of the current WebApp module for which the .portlet file is deployed.

The name is the deployed name of the module, and is often the name of the WAR file or directory, although this is not always the case. This name is that name given in config.xml as the Name of the WebAppComponent element (and thus WebAppComponentMBean's Name attribute). Note that this name is not the name of the URL context root.

The non-null deployed name of the webapp module.
See Also:


protected InputStream getXmlStream()
This method should only be called if getDocument() is overridden. If called after a call to getDocument() is made (and if not overridden itself), this method may return an invalid stream or null.

The input stream for the XML document to be processed


protected void inspectDocument(Document document)
                        throws XmlDisassemblerException
This method may be optionally overridden by subclasses in order to inspect the document immediately after processing. This allow the subclass to retrieve information from the document before the disassembly system begins querying for such information.

document - The newly parsed document
XmlDisassemblerException - Indicates a problem fetching information from the document


protected void invalidateXmlStream()

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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