© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class BaseOps

  extended bycom.bea.p13n.content.adapter.BaseOps
Direct Known Subclasses:
NodeOpsImpl, ObjectClassOpsImpl, SearchOpsImpl

public abstract class BaseOps
extends Object

The base class for adapter ops classes. This provides a utility method for accessing a ContentManager. All adapter ops will look for the jndi home name in the connection properties under "CONTENT_MANAGER_HOME".

Field Summary
          The name of the connection properties whose value is the JNDI home name of the ContentManager home to use.
protected  Credentials credentials
          The connection credentials.
static String PATH_IS_ID
          The name of the connection property which determines if the content path is really just the content identifier.
          The name of the connection property which determines if the content path from the ContentManager starts with a / or not.
protected  boolean pathIsId
          Is the Content path really just the Content identifier for the ContentManager this uses.
protected  boolean pathStartsWithSlash
          Does the Content path from the ContentManager start with a slash.
protected  Properties properties
          The connection properties.
Constructor Summary
BaseOps(Credentials cred, Properties props)
Method Summary
 ContentManager getContentManager()
          Get the ContentManager this is configured for.
protected  void unsupported(String operation)
          Method to invoke for unsupported operations.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String CONTENT_MANAGER_HOME
The name of the connection properties whose value is the JNDI home name of the ContentManager home to use.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected Credentials credentials
The connection credentials.


public static final String PATH_IS_ID
The name of the connection property which determines if the content path is really just the content identifier.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PATH_STARTS_WITH_SLASH
The name of the connection property which determines if the content path from the ContentManager starts with a / or not.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected boolean pathIsId
Is the Content path really just the Content identifier for the ContentManager this uses.

If true, then an comparison against the Node path will compare to the Content identifier. If false, comparisons against the Node path will compare to the Content name.

This is initialized from the connection properties and defaults to true (which is the default for the reference implementation DocumentManager).


protected boolean pathStartsWithSlash
Does the Content path from the ContentManager start with a slash.

Since Node paths must start with /, this will be used to determine if leading slashes should be trimmed for path comparisons to the ContentManager.

This is initialized from the connection properties and defaults to false (which is the default for the reference implementation DocumentManager).


protected Properties properties
The connection properties.

Constructor Detail


public BaseOps(Credentials cred,
               Properties props)
Method Detail


public ContentManager getContentManager()
Get the ContentManager this is configured for.


protected void unsupported(String operation)
Method to invoke for unsupported operations.

operation - the operation description (e.g. "Creating object classes").

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Copyright © 2004 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved