© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.bea.p13n.content

Interface Summary
Content Deprecated.  
ContentManager Deprecated.  
ContentManagerHome Deprecated.  
PropertyProvider Interface defining a method to return a properties value.

Class Summary
ContentCache Deprecated.  
ContentHelper Deprecated.  
ContentPk Deprecated. Use java.lang.String instead.
ContentQuery A utility class to construct a content query string expression from a <contentQuery> XML Element.
ContentQueryBase Abstract base class that provides common funcitons for ContentQuery which parses the xml content query and RulesContentQuery which takes the rules node structure as input.
ContentValue Deprecated. No longer needed - Use Content object instead.
MimeTypeHelper Deprecated. moved to com.bea.p13n.util.MimeTypeHelper
MimeTypeHelper.ContentType Deprecated. moved to com.bea.p13n.util.MimeTypeHelper.ContentType
PropertyProviderImpl A generic implementation of a property provider, that supports user, request, session, and event properties.
PropertySetRepositoryImpl Deprecated.  
RulesContentQuery A utility class to construct a content query string expression from a ContentQueryNode from the rules engine.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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