© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.bea.p13n.mbeans

Interface Summary
AdContentProviderMBean An MBean for configuring an AdContentProvider, which is a renderer for the placeholder/ad service.
AdServiceMBean AdService configuration management bean interface.
AsynchronousEventServiceMBean Configuration for Asynchronous Event Service.
AtnHierarchyMBean Configuration for the Atn Tree representation in memory of the portal group hierarchies.
AtnSecurityProviderMBean Configuration for Portal authentication providers.
AttributeLoaderMBean Configuration for specifying attribute loader classes used by the p13n http request and session objects.
BehaviorTrackingMBean Configuration for Behavior Tracking
CacheManagerMBean This MBean is the parent for the individual instances of CacheMBeans.
CacheMBean The MBean that configures individual instances of a cache.
CredentialMBean The MBean that provides a store for a username with a credential that is encrypted on the file system, but is decryptable so it can be passed around as plain text by the services that use it.
DocumentConnectionPoolMBean Document Connection pool configuration mbean.
DocumentManagerMBean The DocumentManager management bean interface.
EventServiceMBean Configuration for Event Service.
JdbcHelperMBean Deprecated.  
MailServiceMBean MailService configuration management bean interfaces.
RoleSecurityProviderMBean Configuration for Portal authentication providers.

Class Summary
DocumentConnectionPoolNotification A notification sent out when a request has been made to start, restart, or shutdown the connection pool configured by a DocumentConnectionPoolMBean.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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