© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class JspException

  extended byjava.lang.Throwable
      extended byjava.lang.Exception
          extended byjavax.servlet.jsp.JspException
              extended bycom.bea.p13n.servlets.jsp.JspException
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JspException
extends JspException

An exception class that can print the embedded exception as well. This class extends javax.servlet.jsp.JspException and provides an extra constructor that takes embedded exception.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          The default constructor.
JspException(String message)
          Constructs JspException by associating with the given message.
JspException(String message, Throwable nestedException)
          Constructs JspException by associating with the given nested exception and a string message.
JspException(Throwable nestedException)
          Constructs JspException by associating with the given nested exception.
Method Summary
 void printStackTrace()
          Designed to print the stack trace of this exception, as well as the exception it is chained to, if applicable.
 void printStackTrace(PrintStream out)
          Designed to print the stack trace of this exception, as well as the exception it is chained to, if applicable.
 void printStackTrace(PrintWriter out)
          Designed to print the stack trace of this exception, as well as the exception it is chained to, if applicable.
Methods inherited from class javax.servlet.jsp.JspException
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JspException()
The default constructor.


public JspException(String message)
Constructs JspException by associating with the given message.


public JspException(String message,
                    Throwable nestedException)
Constructs JspException by associating with the given nested exception and a string message.


public JspException(Throwable nestedException)
Constructs JspException by associating with the given nested exception.

Method Detail


public void printStackTrace()
Designed to print the stack trace of this exception, as well as the exception it is chained to, if applicable.


public void printStackTrace(PrintStream out)
Designed to print the stack trace of this exception, as well as the exception it is chained to, if applicable.

out - PrintStream used to output the stack trace


public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter out)
Designed to print the stack trace of this exception, as well as the exception it is chained to, if applicable.

out - PrintWriter used to output the stack trace

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Copyright © 2004 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved