© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface PortalManager

All Superinterfaces:
EJBObject, Remote

Deprecated. com.bea.portal is only useful in the compatibility domain. For the new portal framework please use the classes under the com.bea.netuix package

public interface PortalManager
extends EJBObject

Interface PortalManager is the remote interface of the PortalManager service which provides access to and persistence of portal configuration and personalization data.

Method Summary
 List getGroupPortalMembership(ProfileIdentity identity, PortalIdentifier portalId)
          Deprecated. Retrieves a list of GroupPortal objects representing the groups that the specified user belongs to.
 PortalPersonalization getMutablePortalPersonalization(ProfileIdentity client, PortalIdentifier portalId)
          Deprecated. Retrieves a PortalPersonalization for the specified identity within the specified portal.
 Portal getPortal(ProfileIdentity client, PortalIdentifier portalId)
          Deprecated. Retrieves a Portal object corresponding to the PortalIdentifier specified.
 PortalPersonalization getPortalPersonalization(ProfileIdentity client, PortalIdentifier portalId)
          Deprecated. Retrieves a PortalPersonalization for the specified identity within the specified portal.
 UserPortalState getUserPortalState(ProfileIdentity client, PortalIdentifier portalId, PageIdentifier pageId)
          Deprecated. Retrieves a UserPortalState object for the identity specified (which must be a user as a member of a group) in the portal specified for the page specified, but without using entitlements.
 UserPortalState getUserPortalState(ProfileIdentity client, PortalIdentifier portalId, PageIdentifier pageId, com.bea.p13n.entitlements.common.EntitlementRequest entitlementRequest)
          Deprecated. Retrieves a UserPortalState object for the identity specified (which must be a user as a member of a group) in the portal specified for the page specified.
 void removePortalPersonalization(ProfileIdentity client, PortalIdentifier portalId)
          Deprecated. Deletes a personalization from the persistent store.
 void setMutablePortalPersonalization(ProfileIdentity client, PortalPersonalization portalPersonalization)
          Deprecated. Persists a PortalPersonalization for the specified identity.
Methods inherited from interface javax.ejb.EJBObject
getEJBHome, getHandle, getPrimaryKey, isIdentical, remove

Method Detail


public List getGroupPortalMembership(ProfileIdentity identity,
                                     PortalIdentifier portalId)
                              throws PortalException,
Retrieves a list of GroupPortal objects representing the groups that the specified user belongs to. This will not include the default group (user group "everyone").

identity - the identity of the user.
portalId - an identifier for the current portal.
a List of groups that the user belongs to.
PortalException - on an error within the portal framework.
RemoteException - on an error connecting to an ejb.
See Also:


public PortalPersonalization getMutablePortalPersonalization(ProfileIdentity client,
                                                             PortalIdentifier portalId)
                                                      throws PortalException,
Retrieves a PortalPersonalization for the specified identity within the specified portal. This object is guarenteed to also implement MutablePortalPersonalization and will need to be cast to that interface to allow updates.

Note: Updates to the object returned will NOT be persisted or have any effects on the portal server unless this object is send back to the portal server using the method setMutablePortalPersonalization on this interface.

client - the identity for which the personalization is required.
portalId - an identifier for the current portal.
an editable personalization defined at the appropriate scope.
PortalException - on an error within the portal framework.
RemoteException - on an error connecting to an ejb.


public Portal getPortal(ProfileIdentity client,
                        PortalIdentifier portalId)
                 throws PortalException,
Retrieves a Portal object corresponding to the PortalIdentifier specified. The object returned represents the global configuration of a portal as defined in the EBCC.

client - the identity of the caller.
portalId - an identifier for the portal required.
the global configuration of the portal.
PortalException - on an error within the portal framework.
RemoteException - on an error connecting to an ejb.


public PortalPersonalization getPortalPersonalization(ProfileIdentity client,
                                                      PortalIdentifier portalId)
                                               throws PortalException,
Retrieves a PortalPersonalization for the specified identity within the specified portal. This identity can either be a group or a user within a group. The object returned represents the personalizations defined at either user or group scope. It should be considered to be immutable and therefore not edited.

client - the identity for which the personalization is required.
portalId - an identifier for the current portal.
an editable personalization defined at the appropriate scope.
PortalException - on an error within the portal framework.
RemoteException - on an error connecting to an ejb.


public UserPortalState getUserPortalState(ProfileIdentity client,
                                          PortalIdentifier portalId,
                                          PageIdentifier pageId)
                                   throws PortalException,
Retrieves a UserPortalState object for the identity specified (which must be a user as a member of a group) in the portal specified for the page specified, but without using entitlements. The object returned represents the personalization of the users view of this page within this portal. It is intended to be the minimal set of personalization data that is required to render the page and is expected to have already taken into account all the interactions of group personalizations and user personalizations. No entitlements will be considered.

client - the identity for which the rendering state is required.
portalId - an identifier for the current portal.
pageId - an identifier for the current page being viewed.
the personalized state of the page to be rendered.
PortalException - on an error within the portal framework.
RemoteException - on an error connecting to an ejb.


public UserPortalState getUserPortalState(ProfileIdentity client,
                                          PortalIdentifier portalId,
                                          PageIdentifier pageId,
                                          com.bea.p13n.entitlements.common.EntitlementRequest entitlementRequest)
                                   throws PortalException,
Retrieves a UserPortalState object for the identity specified (which must be a user as a member of a group) in the portal specified for the page specified. The object returned represents the personalization of the users view of this page within this portal. It is intended to be the minimal set of personalization data that is required to render the page and is expected to have already taken into account all the interactions of group personalizations, user personalizations and entitlements.

client - the identity for which the rendering state is required.
portalId - an identifier for the current portal.
pageId - an identifier for the current page being viewed.
entitlementRequest - a valid entitlement request fo this user.
the personalized state of the page to be rendered.
PortalException - on an error within the portal framework.
RemoteException - on an error connecting to an ejb.


public void removePortalPersonalization(ProfileIdentity client,
                                        PortalIdentifier portalId)
                                 throws PortalException,
Deletes a personalization from the persistent store.

client - the identity for which the personalization is to be removed.
portalId - an identifier for the current portal.
PortalException - on an error within the portal framework.
RemoteException - on an error connecting to an ejb.


public void setMutablePortalPersonalization(ProfileIdentity client,
                                            PortalPersonalization portalPersonalization)
                                     throws PortalException,
Persists a PortalPersonalization for the specified identity. This method can be used to update both group and user personalizations.

client - the identity for which the personalization is to be saved.
portalPersonalization - a personalization to persist.
PortalException - on an error within the portal framework.
RemoteException - on an error connecting to an ejb.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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