© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface MutablePagePersonalization

All Superinterfaces:
MutablePersonalizedObject, PagePersonalization, PersonalizedObject, PersonalizedResource, PortalResource, PortalScopedObject

Deprecated. com.bea.portal is only useful in the compatibility domain. For the new portal framework please use the classes under the com.bea.netuix package

public interface MutablePagePersonalization
extends PagePersonalization, MutablePersonalizedObject

Interface MutablePagePersonalization represents an editable personalization of a Page for a given identity.In the same way that a ProfileIdentity can represent either a usergroup or a user within a usergroup, so a MutablePagePersonalization can represent the mutable personalization of a Page for either a usergroup or a user within a usergroup.

Note: Changes made to objects implementing this interface are only expected to change the local state of the object. To persist updates this object (or an object that contains it) would have to be passed to an appropriate service, such as the PortalManager EJB.

Method Summary
 MutablePortletPersonalization getMutablePortletPersonalization(PortletIdentifier portletId)
          Deprecated. Returns a MutablePortletPersonalization object for the specified portlet on this page for the associated user.
 Iterator getMutablePortletPersonalizations()
          Deprecated. Returns an Iterator over all the MutablePortletPersonalization objects on this page for the associated user.
 void setAvailable(Boolean available)
          Deprecated. Sets whether this page is currently specified as available for this user or group.
 void setDisplayMutable(Boolean displayMutable)
 void setDisplayName(String displayName)
          Deprecated. Sets a display name for this resource suitable to be displayed to a user.
 void setDisplayType(String displayType)
 void setIndex(int index)
          Deprecated. Sets the index of this page for this user or group, determining the order in which the tab for this page appears during rendering.
 void setLayout(LayoutIdentifier layout)
          Deprecated. Sets the layout template to be used on this page for this user or group.
 void setLayouts(List layouts)
          Deprecated. Sets the List of objects representing the allowed set of layouts selectable users in this group on this page.
 void setMandatory(Boolean mandatory)
          Deprecated. Sets whether this page is currently specified as mandatory for this user or group.
 void setPortletPersonalization(PortletPersonalization portletP13n)
          Deprecated. Sets a PortletPersonalization to be contained within this page.
 void setPortletPersonalizations(List portletList)
          Deprecated. Sets the complete set of PortletPersonalizations to be contained on this page.
 void setVisible(Boolean visible)
          Deprecated. Sets whether this page is currently specified as visible for this user or group.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.portal.model.PagePersonalization
getDisplayType, getIdentifier, getIndex, getLayout, getLayouts, getPageIdentifier, getPortletPersonalization, getPortletPersonalizations, isAvailable, isDisplayMutable, isEntitled, isMandatory, isVisible
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.portal.model.PortalResource
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.portal.model.PortalScopedObject
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.portal.model.PersonalizedObject
getDisplayName, getProfileIdentity

Method Detail


public MutablePortletPersonalization getMutablePortletPersonalization(PortletIdentifier portletId)
Returns a MutablePortletPersonalization object for the specified portlet on this page for the associated user. If there is no existing such personalization for this user then a blank one is created, added to the list of contained personalizations, and returned.

the portlet personalization for the specified portlet.


public Iterator getMutablePortletPersonalizations()
Returns an Iterator over all the MutablePortletPersonalization objects on this page for the associated user.

all the portlet personalizations on this page.


public void setAvailable(Boolean available)
Sets whether this page is currently specified as available for this user or group. A value of null (only valid for a user customization) indicates that the user has not specified whether or not this page should be available.

available - whether the page is specified as available (or unspecified).


public void setDisplayMutable(Boolean displayMutable)


public void setDisplayName(String displayName)
Description copied from interface: MutablePersonalizedObject
Sets a display name for this resource suitable to be displayed to a user.

Specified by:
setDisplayName in interface MutablePersonalizedObject


public void setDisplayType(String displayType)


public void setIndex(int index)
Sets the index of this page for this user or group, determining the order in which the tab for this page appears during rendering. This value should be a natural number. A value of -1 indicates unspecified. Note: This value must always be specified for group personalizations but is allowed to be null for a user personalization.

index - an int representing the position of this page.


public void setLayout(LayoutIdentifier layout)
Sets the layout template to be used on this page for this user or group.

layout - a unique identifier for the layout selected.


public void setLayouts(List layouts)
Sets the List of objects representing the allowed set of layouts selectable users in this group on this page.

Note: This should only be defined for group personalizations and should be null for a user personalization.

layouts - a List of LayoutIdentifier objects.


public void setMandatory(Boolean mandatory)
Sets whether this page is currently specified as mandatory for this user or group. A value of null (only valid for a user customization) indicates that the user has not specified whether or not this page should be mandatory.

mandatory - whether the page is specified as mandatory (or unspecified).


public void setPortletPersonalization(PortletPersonalization portletP13n)
Sets a PortletPersonalization to be contained within this page. If this PortletPersonalization already exists on this page (identity being established by comparison of associated Identifier objects) then it is replaced, otherwise it is added.


public void setPortletPersonalizations(List portletList)
Sets the complete set of PortletPersonalizations to be contained on this page. Any existing PortletPersonalization objects are removed.

portletList - the list of portlet personalizations to set.


public void setVisible(Boolean visible)
Sets whether this page is currently specified as visible for this user or group. A value of null (only valid for a user customization) indicates that the user has not specified whether or not this page should be visible.

visible - whether the page is specified as visible (or unspecified).

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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