© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface PortletState

public interface PortletState

* Interface PortletState represents the current state of a given * portlet instance for the user it is associated with. This state aggregates * the user and group personalizations for this portlet as well as the original * definition. If a PortletState object is been retrieved from within a custom * jsp tag that extends the RenderBaseTag class then it is safe to * assume that entitlement and visibility checks have already occurred. * * @deprecated com.bea.portal is only useful in the compatibility domain. For the new portal framework please * use the classes under the com.bea.netuix package

Method Summary
 String getCurrentWebflowNamespace()
          * Method getCurrentWebflowNamespace returns the current * namespace being used by this portlet
 String getDisplayName()
          * Method getDisplayName returns the display * name of this portlet
 PlaceholderIdentifier getPlaceholderIdentifier()
          * Method getPlaceholderIdentifier retrieves an identifier * for the placeholder that this portlet instance is currently situated * within.
 int getPlaceholderIndex()
          * Method getPlaceholderIndex retrieves an index representing * an ordering for this portlet within the placeholder that is specified by * the getPlaceholderIdentifier method.
 PortletIdentifier getPortletIdentifier()
          * Method getPortletIdentifier retrieves an identifier * representing the portlet definition that this portlet is an instance of
 String getUrl(int urlType)
          * Method getUrl retrieves a url associated with this * portlet.
 String getWebflowNamespace()
          * Method getWebflowNamespace retrieves the (optional) webflow * namespace associated with this portlet
 boolean isEditable()
          * Method isEditable determines whether this portlet * currently has the 'editable' attribute set for this user
 boolean isFloatable()
          * Method isFloatable determines whether this portlet * currently has the 'floatable' attribute set for this user
 boolean isHelpable()
          * Method isHelpable determines whether this portlet * currently has the 'helpable' attribute set for this user
 boolean isMaximizable()
          * Method isMaximizable determines whether this portlet * currently has the 'maximizable' attribute set for this user
 boolean isMinimizable()
          * Method isMinimizable determines whether this portlet * currently has the 'minimizable' attribute set for this user
 boolean isMinimized()
          * Method isMinimized determines whether this portlet is * currently in the 'minimized' state for this user
 boolean isRemovable()
          * Method isRemovable determines whether this portlet * currently has the 'removable' attribute set for this user
 void setCurrentWebflowNamespace(String currentNS)
          * Method setCurrentWebflowNamespace returns the current * namespace being used by this portlet
 void setMinimized(boolean minimized)
          * Method setMinimized sets whether this portlet is currently * minimized.
 void setUrl(int type, String url)
          * Webflow can set URLs on Portlets, specifically the content URL.

Method Detail


public String getCurrentWebflowNamespace()
* Method getCurrentWebflowNamespace returns the current * namespace being used by this portlet. * * @return * A value of type String representing the * current namespace being used by this portlet.


public String getDisplayName()
* Method getDisplayName returns the display * name of this portlet. * * @return * A value of type String representing the * display name of this portlet.


public PlaceholderIdentifier getPlaceholderIdentifier()
* Method getPlaceholderIdentifier retrieves an identifier * for the placeholder that this portlet instance is currently situated * within. This data is personalized to the associated user at user scope. * * @return * A value of type PlaceholderIdentifier representing the * placeholder that this portlet instance is currently located within.


public int getPlaceholderIndex()
* Method getPlaceholderIndex retrieves an index representing * an ordering for this portlet within the placeholder that is specified by * the getPlaceholderIdentifier method. The index is expected * to start at 1 with 0 representing an unspecified index. * * @return * A value of primitive type int representing index of * this portlet within the specified placeholder.


public PortletIdentifier getPortletIdentifier()
* Method getPortletIdentifier retrieves an identifier * representing the portlet definition that this portlet is an instance of. * * @return * A value of type PortletIdentifier representing the * portlet definition that this portlet is an instance of


public String getUrl(int urlType)
* Method getUrl retrieves a url associated with this * portlet. The default set of url types recognised are defined in the * Portlet interface as follows: * * Portlet.URL_CONTENT * Portlet.URL_HEADER * Portlet.URL_FOOTER * Portlet.URL_ALTERNATE_HEADER * Portlet.URL_ALTERNATE_FOOTER * Portlet.URL_TITLEBAR * Portlet.URL_BANNER * Portlet.URL_EDIT * Portlet.URL_HELP * Portlet.URL_ICON * Portlet.URL_MAXIMIZE * * @param * A parameter of type int used to specify the * type of url required. * @return * A value of type String representing the url * specified for the type supplied.


public String getWebflowNamespace()
* Method getWebflowNamespace retrieves the (optional) webflow * namespace associated with this portlet. * * @return * A value of type String representing the webflow * namespace associated with this portlet.


public boolean isEditable()
* Method isEditable determines whether this portlet * currently has the 'editable' attribute set for this user. * * @return * A value of type boolean representing whether * this portlet has the 'editable' attribute set for this user.


public boolean isFloatable()
* Method isFloatable determines whether this portlet * currently has the 'floatable' attribute set for this user. * * @return * A value of type boolean representing whether * this portlet has the 'floatable' attribute set for this user.


public boolean isHelpable()
* Method isHelpable determines whether this portlet * currently has the 'helpable' attribute set for this user. * * @return * A value of type boolean representing whether * this portlet has the 'helpable' attribute set for this user.


public boolean isMaximizable()
* Method isMaximizable determines whether this portlet * currently has the 'maximizable' attribute set for this user. * * @return * A value of type boolean representing whether * this portlet has the 'maximizable' attribute set for this user.


public boolean isMinimizable()
* Method isMinimizable determines whether this portlet * currently has the 'minimizable' attribute set for this user. * * @return * A value of type boolean representing whether * this portlet has the 'minimizable' attribute set for this user.


public boolean isMinimized()
* Method isMinimized determines whether this portlet is * currently in the 'minimized' state for this user. * * @return * A value of primitive type boolean representing whether * this portlet is in the 'minimized' state for this user.


public boolean isRemovable()
* Method isRemovable determines whether this portlet * currently has the 'removable' attribute set for this user. * * @return * A value of type boolean representing whether * this portlet has the 'removable' attribute set for this user.


public void setCurrentWebflowNamespace(String currentNS)
* Method setCurrentWebflowNamespace returns the current * namespace being used by this portlet. * * @param currentNS The name of the current namespace. This should be * set by the PortletEventProcessor. *


public void setMinimized(boolean minimized)
* Method setMinimized sets whether this portlet is currently * minimized. The method is used by rendering to test this value in lieu * of having to go back to the PortalManager to get the minimized value * from the database. * * @param minimized the boolean minimized state for this portlet.


public void setUrl(int type,
                   String url)
* Webflow can set URLs on Portlets, specifically the content URL. This * allows a portlet to have its URLs updated by an outside source in * preparation for rendering. * * The default set of url types recognised are defined in the * Portlet interface as follows: * * Portlet.URL_CONTENT * Portlet.URL_HEADER * Portlet.URL_FOOTER * Portlet.URL_ALTERNATE_HEADER * Portlet.URL_ALTERNATE_FOOTER * Portlet.URL_TITLEBAR * Portlet.URL_BANNER * Portlet.URL_EDIT * Portlet.URL_HELP * Portlet.URL_ICON * Portlet.URL_MAXIMIZE * * @param type A parameter of type int used to specify the * type of url required. * * @param url The URL to set in for the corresponding URL type. *

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Copyright © 2004 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved