© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class QueryManager

  extended bycom.bea.query.QueryManager

public class QueryManager
extends Object

QueryManager is used to submit and return results from the query portion of the DRE. This is done using the QueryRequest and QueryResult classes.

The default constructor should be used with caution - it hard codes hostname and port values to the default for the 8.1 beta installation.

Constructor Summary
          Construct a QueryManager with some default parameters.
QueryManager(String hostName, int aciPort, int servicePort)
          Construct a AciServer object to represent the DRE.
Method Summary
 List doQuery(QueryRequest queryRequest)
          Send the query request to the DRE and parse the response.
 Vector getDatabaseNames()
          Read the list of databases from the DRE's configuration and populate a Vector with them.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public QueryManager()
             throws Exception
Construct a QueryManager with some default parameters. These defaults are the same as WLP 8.1 shipped with. The defaults are:


public QueryManager(String hostName,
                    int aciPort,
                    int servicePort)
             throws Exception
Construct a AciServer object to represent the DRE.

Method Detail


public List doQuery(QueryRequest queryRequest)
Send the query request to the DRE and parse the response. The response is a List of QueryResponses.

queryRequest - - the query to run.
an List of QueryResponses
See Also:
QueryRequest, QueryResponse


public Vector getDatabaseNames()
Read the list of databases from the DRE's configuration and populate a Vector with them.

the Vector of database names. Each element is a String.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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