© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class CatalogFactory

  extended bycom.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.catalog.CatalogFactory

public abstract class CatalogFactory
extends Object

Factory class to create Catalog-related objects. The catalog APIs that are aimed at end-users return immutable objects. This factory class can also be used to create mutable versions of those objects.

Method Summary
static Category createCategory(MutableCategory delegate)
          Creates an immutable Category object that uses a mutable delegate object.
static KeywordQuery createKeywordQuery()
          Creates a KeywordQuery object.
static MutableCategory createMutableCategory(Category category, boolean createCE)
          Creates a mutable Category object - by copying an immutable object.
static MutableCategory createMutableCategory(CategoryKey key, boolean createCE)
          Creates a mutable Category object for the category with the given key.
static MutableProductItem createMutableProductItem(ProductItem item, boolean createCE)
          Creates a MutableProductItem object based off an imutable object.
static MutableProductItem createMutableProductItem(ProductItemKey key, boolean createCE)
          Creates a MutableProductItem object for the item with the given key.
static ProductItem createProductItem(MutableProductItem delegate)
          Creates a ProductItem object by wrapping a mutable object in an immutable shell so that it is protected from updates.
static ProductItemQuery createProductItemQuery()
          Creates a ProductItemQuery object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Category createCategory(MutableCategory delegate)
Creates an immutable Category object that uses a mutable delegate object. The mutable object is wrapped in an immutable shell so that it is protected from updates.

delegate - The delegate Category object.


public static KeywordQuery createKeywordQuery()
Creates a KeywordQuery object.


public static MutableCategory createMutableCategory(Category category,
                                                    boolean createCE)
Creates a mutable Category object - by copying an immutable object.


public static MutableCategory createMutableCategory(CategoryKey key,
                                                    boolean createCE)
Creates a mutable Category object for the category with the given key. A MutableCategory can be modified through its setter methods.

key - the key for the object


public static MutableProductItem createMutableProductItem(ProductItem item,
                                                          boolean createCE)
Creates a MutableProductItem object based off an imutable object. The immutable object is copied to ensure the same reference is not modified.

item - the immutable object


public static MutableProductItem createMutableProductItem(ProductItemKey key,
                                                          boolean createCE)
Creates a MutableProductItem object for the item with the given key.

key - the key for the object


public static ProductItem createProductItem(MutableProductItem delegate)
Creates a ProductItem object by wrapping a mutable object in an immutable shell so that it is protected from updates.

delegate - The delegate ProductItem object.


public static ProductItemQuery createProductItemQuery()
Creates a ProductItemQuery object.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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