© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.catalog.service.query

This package contains the classes that define a pluggable service to perform powerful searching of the Product Catalog.


Interface Summary
CatalogQuery This interface defines the basic functionality required to perform Product Catalog searches.
CatalogQueryManager Service interface for searching the Product Catalog using various criteria.
CatalogQueryManagerHome The home interface for the CatalogQueryManager Session EJB.
JdbcCatalogQueryManager JDBC-specific CatalogQueryManager service implementation.
JdbcCatalogQueryManagerHome The home interface for the JdbcCatalogQueryManager Session EJB.
KeywordQuery This interface defines all functionality required to perform keyword searches of the Product Catalog.
ProductItemQuery This interface defines all functionality required to perform boolean expression searches of the Product Catalog.

Class Summary
CatalogQueryImpl Implementation class for the CatalogQuery interface.
CatalogQueryManagerImpl The implementation class for the CatalogQueryManager Session EJB.
JdbcCatalogQueryManagerImpl The implementation class for the JdbcCatalogQueryManager Session EJB.
KeywordQueryImpl Implementation class for the KeywordQuery interface.
ProductItemQueryImpl Implementation class for the ProductItemQuery interface.
QueryHelper Helper class for performing Product Catalog queries.
SearchItemIterator A ViewIterator over a set of ProductItems that are the results of a Product Catalog search.

Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.catalog.service.query Description

This package contains the classes that define a pluggable service to perform powerful searching of the Product Catalog. The Product Items within the Catalog can be searched using keywords or boolean search expressions across their attributes.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Copyright © 2004 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved